Coffee Shop

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~I looked deep into his eyes as his eyes shifted from my bare chest back to my lips. He sexily bit his lip and slid one of his hands from my neck to my hips sending shivers down my whole body. He roughly began to kiss my lips. I felt his tongue graze my lip and my mouth slightly opened to tease him~

"ABBY! WAKE UP!" My eyes shot open. I looked at Rian who was standing outside of the car waiting for me.

"Where are we?" I slid out of the car and rubbed my eyes before fixing my shirt.

"Getting food for the fat asses, now come on." He smiled and let me get a piggy back ride into the small restaurant where the rest of the boys were. I looked around at the small 'hole-in-the-wall' restaurant that I had been brought too.

"OH MY GOD!" A very annoying and high pitched voice pierced my eardrums. The boys cringed when they saw the fake barbie walking up. I chuckled to myself knowing that none of them would go for her. I sat on Jack's lap and she glared at me. "Hi guys, you're All Time Low right?" I rolled my eyes and started messing with Jacks hair. "He doesn't like that, just saying." My head shot over towards her. I gave her that 'shut the hell up' look and she smirked at me.

"Hun, he doesn't like random whores messing with his hair. I'm not random or a whore so I think I'm good." Her smirk faded and I smiled than started to mess with his hair again. All of the sudden I felt my hair dripping wet. The boys had their mouths wide open. I looked at the girl standing with an empty soda cup in her hand. I glared at her and stood up. She set the cup down and smirked at me.

"Oh hun, you just made the worst decision you possibly could've." She walked closer to get in my face and she pushed me backwards. I grabbed the greasy fries next to me and poured them down her shirt then tackled her to the ground and started punching her. All four of them had to yank me off so the poor girl so she could scramble away. Alex pulled me outside so I could cool down and the other three boys were paying for the food we ruined and they were gonna get the car.

"We're all talking about this when we get home." I nodded and got back into the car. Once we were in it I got a text. I pulled out my phone and quickly unlocked it

~From Jack: That was fucking AMAZING!~ I smiled and looked up at him. He smiled back at me and looked back down at his phone. I got another notification but this time it was twitter.

~ : @AbbsIsShexy just kicked some serious ass!!~ I giggled at the twitter name they made me. I loved these boys and I hope I never get taken away from them. Once we got home they sat me down on the couch and stood up in front of me, except for Jack and his lazy ass who was laying across the couch with his head on my lap.

"Abby, I have to say that what happened back there was fucking.... AMAZING!" Alex smiled and high-fived me. I laughed and high fived all of them. I excused myself and went up to my room. I turned on my music and Coffee Shop Soundtrack by my boys started playing. I danced around the room and changed into a cute lavender top and some light blue skinny jeans. I quickly teased up my hair and did a light smokey eye with some light pink lip gloss. I slid on my white converse and skipped down the stairs.

"Well someone is happy." Jack smiled at me. I pointed to him and motioned to the door.

"We're going shopping. Get up and drive me pleaaassee." She grabbed his keys and we left for the mall. The first store I went into was Macy's, but I wasn't shopping for me, I was shopping for my little girl.

"Why are we buying little kids clothes?" He looked around confused. Little did he know, my little girl will be mine soon.

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