Old Scars/Future Hearts

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"Jack! I can't be pregnant! I am only 18! Alex will kill me! I will get kicked out. They are going to take Sarah away from me.. I can't lose her because we made a stupid mistake!"

"ABILENE! THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE! I know it's only been four months but I love you and I will love that child just the same if not more. Now, we can both tell him or I can alone or you can alone. Either way I will help you all the way with this child. Hell we don't even have to tell anyone until you are ready okay?" I nodded, walking towards him. He put his arms around me, pinning mine down to my sides. My breathing was shaky and my eyes were getting watery. I felt Jack's hand rub my back doing it's best to sooth me but it barely did anything. "Hey, you okay now?" He pulled away and held me at arms length. I nodded and pulled him in for another hug, squeezing him tightly.

"I'm good. Can we tell him tomorrow? After we meet with the boys you will be touring with, 5 Summers?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"5 Seconds Of Summer but you were close. God, you're so adorable." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I pulled him closer to me.

"I believe we were interrupted last time." I pulled him in and kissed him. His hands wrapped around my waist, lifting me up so I could wrap my arms around him. He moved us from the middle of his room towards his bed, laying us down. The kissing quickly got heated and before I knew it, he was taking my shirt off. I felt him pushing himself closer to me as he moved his kisses from my lips, to my neck and making his way around my bra. 

"Jack..." I tried to get his attention but he seemed to ignore me. I took my hands and pushed him up. "Jack, we can't do this. Not yet at least. I mean I want to but they are going to be home any second and Sarah is in the other room." He sighed, handing me my shirt.

"I know I know.." I smiled at him before I slipped my shirt back on. I got up and kissed his cheek before skipping to my room.

"Sarah, we have to get ready for dinner my love." She groaned and snuggled closer into our bed. "baby doll are you feeling alright?" 

"Mommy, my head." She looked over to me with tears in her eyes. I felt my heart break. Seeing a child cry has to be one of the worst things you could see. I grabbed her and set her in my lap, kissing her head.

"Do you want me to stay home with you?" My eyes filled with worry.

"No, I want to go." She whined. I smiled, shaking my head at her and set her down on the bed before running down to the kitchen.

"Abileeennneeee!" Alex ran into the kitchen, picking me up and spinning me around. I giggled as he set me down.

"Welcome back Alex. Do we have any more baby aspirin left?" He started thinking before running to the bathroom and coming back out with the bottle. "OH! Thank you so much!" I kissed his cheek.

"Why do you need baby aspirin?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sarah has a headache. Poor baby is up there in tears." His smiled turned into a frown and he ran up stairs heading towards my room. 

"Sarah, my favorite niece. Why does your head hurt?" He frowned at her, rocking her back and forth in his arms. I smiled as I poured out two baby aspirin and opening a water bottle.

"I dun no Uncle Alex." She cried. 

"Okay baby doll. I need you to put this in your mouth and just take a few sips of water okay." She looked at me scared. "Okay, do what I do." She nodded. I faked putting the pill in my mouth and handed her one. I took a sip of water and opened my mouth t show her it was gone before she did the same. "Okay, now do this one by yourself." I handed her one more pill and she did it again. "Good job baby. Now lets get dressed okay?" She nodded but looked at Alex.

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