That Girl

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I had been about three and a half months since the guys had found out that I was pregnant and they didn't let me do anything for myself. They didn't want me to hurt myself or the baby which made me a bit aggravated because I was used to do everything by myself but I wasn't going to tell them no when they began doing things for me.

Alex hadn't spoken to Jack since the day I told him and there was a lot of tension in the house considering Jack had been staying over a lot more to make sure I was okay. He had been acting like a teenage girl who was in a fight with her best friend and it was starting to drive me nuts.

"Alex, have you seen my shoes?" I shouted through the house. I had a doctors appointment in an hour and I didn't want to be late.

"They're by the door Abby." He laughed, he had been enjoying my confusion in almost everything lately. I shouted back a quick thanks before slipping them on and running out of the door.


"Good afternoon Abilene Gaskarth. Are you excited for your appointment today?" Dr. Goldberg walked in with a huge grin across her face.

"I guess so. It's just like any other appointment except I have a baby growing inside me." I looked down at my stomach, a small bump already there.

"Oh no no no dear. Today you get to find out the gender." I looked up at her, a small smile on my face. I have been waiting to find out which gender the baby was. "Okay, now please lay back on the examination table and brace yourself because this is going to be cold.

After the sonogram she cleaned my stomach of the gel that was used and left the room to get the picture and gender of the baby. Quickly I texted Alex.

I get to know the gender within minutes! Can't wait until I get home to tell you all! Have the boys all there please, I want everyone to know. I hit send right as she walked back in

"Alright dear, are you ready for the gender?" I nodded eagerly. "You, my love, are going to have a girl." I jumped off the table and hugged her. I wasn't sure why I was hugging her but I was so happy that I needed to hug someone. "Here is your sonogram picture. I will see you again in a month for your next check up."


"ALEX!" I ran into the living room, jumping into my brothers arms. He picked me up and spun me around.

"How did it go? Am I going to have another niece or my first nephew?" I smiled widely at him, looking to the two guys sitting on the couch, my smile faltered and I frowned at Alex.

"I said to get the guys here, where is Jack?" He rolled his eyes. "Alex, I am very hormonal right now because of this baby and I will not deal with this childish behavior anymore. Get him down here now and be polite about it or I swear to god I'm going to lose it." He walked upstairs and returned minutes later with Jack trailing behind him. "Both of you, sit. Now." I ordered and the quickly did as told. "You two have been friends for a long time from what I've learned from the internet and I will not let this child get in between that. Both of you get over yourselves now or I will not tell anyone the gender of this child." I crossed my arms, hoping that I looked intimidating.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the face.." Alex semi-whispered. I smiled at him, proud.

"I'm sorry for getting your sister pregnant." My eyes widened at his bluntness then I started laughing. I leaned over onto the chair and clutched my stomach still laughing. "Umm.. Abby are you alright?" Jack looked at me confused.

"I just... You didn't even care that you got me pregnant you said that as if you ate the last cookie." I barely got out before laughing again. Rian and Zack had joined me only because I was laughing like a hyena most likely. "Now," I breathed, sobering up from my laughing. "I think we should all go out and celebrate the fact that Sarah is getting a sibling and that I am going to have another daughter." Alex looked up at me, his eyes wide but a smile on his face.

"I'M GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER NIECE?!" He jumped up and grabbed me into a rib crushing hug.

"A-lex. I have a child now. I can barely breath. I don't know if she can either when you hug me this tight." I coughed out and he let go laughing slightly. I turned to Jack who was sat on the couch his face a little pale. "Jack, are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm going to have a daughter..." He whispered. I smiled down at him as he looked up at me before pulling me by my hand before setting his hands on my stomach. "Right in here, in your stomach, is my daughter. I'M GOING TO HAVE A DAUGHTER!" He smiled, pulling me onto his lap, hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back.

"We're going to be parents." I whispered, resting my forehead on the side of his head. "WE are going to have a daughter."

My Herosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें