Chapter 1

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A/n: Hey. My name is Alex and my friend is Alison. This is our first story, so dont judge. We will be taking turns writing each chapter, so here is alisons chapp.

kaay leggggooo -Alison and Alex


Chapter 1:

Scarlette POV:

School. That one word that ruins my life. It's stupid and useless. I mean c'mon why learn when there's life, waiting to be lived.

My eyes glanced at my alarm clock. Oh, im late. I grunt and roll off my bed.

An un-humanly noise escaped my lips.

"SCARRR! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" my bestfriend, Valerie screamed. Valerie had took me into her house when my parents had kicked me out. We had been friends since we were about 10 years old. We were like the complete opposite. You know what they say, opposite's attract.

My parents kicked me out because of my partying and my 'dis-respectful attitude', and they barely even call me, just a check every month.

I walked lazily towards my dresser and took out some black skinnies, and a white crop top. I paired it with a leather jacket.

Studying my outfit, i had to give myself a props for the quick and cute 'throw together'. I glanced at myself one last time before grabbing my purse and heading out my bedroom door.

I sped down the stairs, and into the kitchen only to find a groggly walking Valerie.

"Hey Val, whats up?" I said grabbing a granola bar from the cupoard.

"Ugh, I was at a party last night and had a tad bit too much to drink". she said regretting what she had done the night before.

"Oh so your not going to school?" I replied bitting into the granola bar. Mmmmm.

"No...but, speaking of school your..." she glanced at the clock on the wall. " 3 hours late". She gave me a blank look.

"You know Scarlett you cant just keep being irresponsible, and late to school". She said

I gave her a blank look. "OHH Valerie", I huffed."Live your life! Be wild". I gave her a quick smile and skipped outside of the kitchen. I slipped on my black combat boots and walked outside.

It was a pretty hot day here in California. I loved the weather here, because somtimes it would be extremly hot and sometimes breezey; which i indeed loved.

Since it was really sunny I slipped my raybans out of my purse and put them on. I walked to my car and started the engine before speeding off.

My wheels screeched as the car came to a holt infront of my school. I slammed my car door shut and walked slowly to the gloomy jail-like building that they call SCHOOL.

My first class (technically 3rd period) was history. Great! ughh. I walked casually into class and took a seat next to billy or-whatever his name was and threw my bag over the chair.

"Miss. Calder? Do you have a late slip for me?". She sneered holding that nose of hers up high in the air.

"Nope". I simply replied popping the 'P'.

"Well go and get one then, what are you sitting around for?". she said. I hated that lady. Ugh the thought of her.

I simply walked up and brushed past her walking out.

"Bitch" I whispered to myself which i am guessing she heard- i really didin't care. She gasped and slammed her hands on the desk but soon continued with her lesson.

I walked down the hallways towards the office and got my late slip.

Once i got back i handed Mrs. Bargnoff the slip. She stared at me until i sat back down.

She then told me to open my Textbook to a page were i saw some french dudes on it. It made me laugh.



As I walked down the hall I spotted Riley and his whores. Really, he isent even that attractive I really dont understand what people see in him. He is the most "popular" guy of the 12th grade and he gets a tad too cocky for my taste. I walked by him a he gave me a wink looking me up a down. I scoffed.

The rest of the day went by very slow. I was now Driving home. I raced home and burst threw the door to see Valerie all snuggled up in a blanket with Mcdonalds in her hand.

"HEYY!" i shouted." You bought mcdonalds without me?!?". i pouted.

"Well hey dont blame me you werent the one starved to death!" she screamed playfully. "you ate all the food in the fridge!". it came out more like a muffling sound because her mouth was stuffed with the burger.

I walked over to her and snatched the burger from her hands and took a big bite right in the middle.

"HEYY!" she pouted.

I smiled showing the chewed up food in my mouth. She cringed in discust. I gave back her burger and spat out a thanks, spitting on her in the process. she gagged and went back to eating.

I sped upstairs to my room and changed into a pair of roots sweats and a white tank. I tied my hair into a messy bun, washed all my makeup off and flopped onto my bed, staring into the ceiling.

Yeah i was a player, but i was'nt like that with guys like most sluts. Ive never atually been with anyone in a serious relationship since Harry; my past boyfriend. He cheated on me.. with my bestfriend, Ellisa. I dont talk to her anymore.


"Harry.." I whispered.

The door was slightly open as peered through.

"WHAT THE FUCK HARRYY?!?" I screamed when i saw him full on making out with my best friend. "Ellisa! How could you!" I said in between sobs. Ellisa was sitting down on harry's lap. That Bitch.

"It's not what it looks like!" Harry exclaimed.

"Oh sure its not" I said wiping a tear away. "From this day on!" I screamed and pointed to the both of them. "BOTH of your life's are a living hell". I then ran out slamming the door.

I ran out the front door and slammed it. I ran to the pave driveway and fell to the ground in sobs.

"FUCK IT!" i whispered loudly. "he doesnt deserve me anyway". I quickly got up and wiped dirt off my pants. I glanced on the floor and I saw a rock.

I picked it up and threw it at harry's window with ALL my might.

"BITCH!" I screamed before running off. Tears were no longer in my eyes.

And from that day on I Scarlette Calder was Not falling for guys like him. He cheated on me, got what he wanted, and then threw me into a corner like a piece of trash.

*End of flashback*

I took in a deep breath and thought of all the shit ive been through, My parents leaving, That mother fucker Harry, and even when I was bullied earlier in middle school. But now i was strong. But mostly i was a rebel, and a badass.

Yup. I was one BADASS.



Hey guys again so what do you think? Its me Alison if you were wondering. So ya thats what i came up with and dont worry you will be seeing more of this story so ya. Sorry this chapter was kinda short. Anyways hope you liked it and can i please have 5 votes for the next chapter? And Vote, Comment, and Spread to the world! Thanks :*

-Alex and Alison <3

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