Chapter 6

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Merp, birdiees. Sorry we didn't make a new chapie in like, forever. But we were hoping to get to 60 reads. But we reached 77! Alex was supposed to do this one but she always forgets -.-Anyways on to the chappie. Im sensing this chappie will be good. And for anyone who is actually enjoying this story please leave comments. I wanna know if people are actually reading and enjoying. So ya ok onto the chappieee. Bye birdies.



Chapter 6:

Scarlettes P.O.V

I opened my eyes and take a glimpse of the ceiling. "Val?" I say rubbing my eyes. "Valerie? Where are you?" I stand up, only to notice I had slept on the floor. Pain shot through my spine as I cringed in pain.

"Scar! In here!" Valerie shouted. I listened to the direction that the voice was coming from. I walked into the computer room only to find valerie on the laptop.

"Val? What are you doing up so early?" I said glancing at the clock. 11:35. Im a late sleeper. "And why the fuck did I fall asleep on the floor?".

"One minute" She said putting her hand up, obviously interested on what she was doing on the laptop. "AHHH!" She suddenly screamed.

"What happened?" I said still panicking, ready to reach for anything to protect us with. I went back to reality and glanced in a mirror at what I looked like. I look like crap.

"Ok, so I need to tell you somthing" She started patting the couch next to her, urging me to sit down. "What?" I asked worried.

"Guess where we're going?" She said in a sing-song voice. "ok. Dont guess. We're going to....The Bahama's!!" She screamed.

"Ok seriously, now tell me what actually happened?" I said not beliving her.

"Im serious. We're going!" She said excited.

"What? " i said knowing that this time she wasn't joking. "Where the FUCK did you find enough money for a trip to the bahamas?" I asked her. "Have you been shoplifting?" I said eying her.

"Nop, Welll...I know this guy who hooked us up. Its only 500 per person all inclusive!" She said excitedly.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK." I said looking at the wall. "Then what are we waiting for? Lets pack!" I screamed running towards my room. "YEAHHHH BUDDY" Valerie screams from behind me. As I run I text my boss. He's really chill so he wouldnt mind at all. In the text I say:

Hey Austin, you mind if i take the week off? Im gonna be at the bahamas! Thanks!

I ran up the stairs skipping two at a time.

"Wait when are we going?" I yelled at Val while pulling my suitcase down from my closet. Damn! its stuck. I started yanking it down.

" In Two days!" she yelled back. I yanked the suitcase again, with more force.

" GAHHH!!' i yelled landing on the ground with the suitcase on top of me. Oww. I crawled towards valeries room and stood up in front of her. i turned around and touched my toes. My butt was sticking up in her face.

" Can you kiss my boo-boo?' i asked in a sweet voice.

"ew no." she replied disgusted.

" Pleaseee???" i whined. i wiggled my butt in her face. I heard a smochy noise and a tapp on my butt.

"There I kissed it, happy?" she asked.

"yeah" i said i walked back to my room. My butt was still sticking up. i straightened my posture and started packing. I threw a bunch of random clothes on the floor and sat down dragging the suitcase towards me. I looked through the pile for cute clothes.

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