Chapter 14

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K so, this is Alison and im writing this Chapter while im at camp. And im writing from my Ipod so i might have some errors. Ok on to the chappie!

Also, what did you guys think about Scarlettes dad? Well you will see....



Chapter 14

Scarlettes P.O.V.



"I am going to go to that party and i dont care what you say". I said crossing my arms together. My dad looked like he was about to burst. He had this little vein on his forehead and it looked like it would pop out any second.

"SCARLETTE! LISTEN TO ME!" He screamed raising his hand. He slammed it down onto my cheek. My head swung to the side. A tear trickled down my face.

"Fuck you". I said under my breath. But loud enough for him to hear.

"Get out of my house!". He said furiously. "Get out, pack your stuff and go!".

"Tom no!". My mom screamed from the other side of the room. She had tears in her eyes. I looked at him one last time.

"FUCK THIS!" i screamed and rushed upstairs. I quickly ran to my room and took all my clothes out and fit them into a suitcase. I fit in all my makeup and other stuff. I grabbed $200 that i had been saving, and put it in my suitcase. I zipped the suitcase up, and dragged it downstairs. 

I walked to the front door. My mom stared at me, tears in her eyes. She didnt even stop me from leaving. She just stared at me. My dad on the other hand was opening the door wide open. I stormed outside.

Before i left, i gave them a few last words. "Fuck you, and your wife". I said to my dad. And with that, i left the house.


My head spun. My dad, was on his death bed. He had, had a heart attack. My eyes filled up, and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Wh-What?" I said, my lips quivering. My mom stared back at me, tears in her eyes.

"His last wish, would have been to see you". She said. "He regrets kicking you out, every single day".

My head started spinning, and I lost my balance.


I woke up to find a blinding light hitting my eyes. I held my hand up to shield my eyes. When my eyes adjusted to the light, i looked around the room. I saw my mom in the corner of the room. We were in a hospital. I had needles sticking into my arm, and a monitor checking my blood pressure.

I was about to ask my mom what she was doing here, then it hit me. My dad. I quickly pulled the needle out of my arms, and ran out of the room. My mom rushed after me.

"Honey! Calm down". She said her voice barley audible. I looked around the hospital hallway. Sick kids, pregnant women, ill elders. It was all too overwhelming. I ran to a nurse.

"Do you know where Tom Calder's hospital room is located?". I said impatiently. She shook her head no and walked away. I saw a reception desk and ran for it.

"Hello, could you tell me where Tom Calder's room is located?". I said. She smiled, which was obviously a fake one. She checked her computer.

"West side, room 141". She replied. I ran as quickly as i could, according to her directions. I heard my mom calling after me, but i didn't dare turn around. I had to get to my dad as soon as possible. I reached the west side and looked around for room 141. I saw the room and noticed that nurses were rushing in.

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