Chapter 16

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OMG so I'm SO sorry guys!! I haven't updated in at least more then 3 months! 3 month without S.O.B LMAOOO I just noticed that She's One Badass' initials is S.O.B. LOL. anyways this chapter will be kinda cheesy but bear with me. And to make up for this chapter the next chapter will make you be in tears. Literally I think i'll cry :( Hope you like this Chappie. And so this is three months later....enjoy the chappie!



Chapter 16:

Scarlett's P.O.V.

3 Months later...

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" i heard a high pitched scream come from down the hall. I sprung out of bed just as Valerie did too. Val, Tay, and I had been sleeping in the same room just in case anything happened to Taylor in the night. She is now 3 and a half months pregnant and we are taking care of her more than ever ! I rushed down the hall and ran into the bathroom to find Taylor looking in the mirror and holding her stomach, which had a little baby bump. She started whimpering and soon started sobbing.

"Taylor, what happened!?' Valerie asked walking in wide awake.

"Im... so... fat!!" she sobbed. Oh Taylor....

"Babe, your not fat, its just the pregnant talk" Valerie said. "Yes i am! Thats why Tyler left me!". she said looking down at her feet. After the day she told him she was pregnant he hadnt even called back. I guess he just wasnt ready for a baby. Fuck him.

"Taylor dont worry! Your beautiful and if Tyler doesnt except this baby then hes missing out". i said trying to calm her down. She sniffled and soon calmed down. "Now go get ready for school!" she smiled, wiping her tears and walking back to our room. School had started a few months ago and I'm hating it already. But, damn... I haven't gotten into trouble for...too long. I walked into my closet picking out my outfit.

I grabbed my black leggings, my white crop tank top, a long grey cardigan, and a burgundy beanie and slipped those on. I walked into the washroom glancing at Taylor. She was wearing sweatpants with a black tank top. And her hair was in a messy bun. She fiddled with her hair a bit. Her bun was lagging over to the side a bit so she tried putting it upright, but failed and it hung loose again. She repeated this process for about 2 minutes but then just shrugged and walked away. I heard a "YOLO" and then she was gone... WTF?!

I got to work and let my hair out. I braided it into a fishtail and loosened it out. I added an American Apparel bow and applied some mascara, and eyeliner and headed out the door grabbing my bag on the way out. I hopped down the stairs to find Taylor sprawled across the floor and Valerie plopped on the couch fiddling with her hair. Valerie was in a cute floral dress and was wearing a bow also.

"C'mon ya fatass'" I said hitting Valerie on the butt. HARD. She moaned and flung herself off of the couch. I motioned for her to make breakfast but she just groaned and said 'nooo' like a little kid.

"Okay... Micky D's. I'm buying". I grabbed the keys, and I heard 2 sleepy 'Yays' from behind me. I slipped on my combat boots and walked to the car. Starting the engine, Val, and Tay hopped in also. And we took off to McDonalds.


I walked through the hallways looking around. Aw these fag bags. I look at Taylor and motion her to leave her locker and come beside me. She walks beside me.

"So, Fucker..." Hormones...its the hormones right? RIGHT?! I have one more period in this horrifying place and I'm out. Fuck school. Sometimes I think to myself why I haven't dropped out already... I seriously don't know! Me and Taylor walked to our class, which we have together. We passed by Riley and he gave me this weird look. Well it was very... odd. It hasent been the same between him and I. Like after that "make out" session. I just feel weird ya know? I don't even have feelings for him....Oh whatever Scar. Just role your eyes and walk away...

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