Chapter 9

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A/N hey birdies its Alex. GUESS WHAT?!?! i just graduated middle school recently!!! yeah, so ill be updating chapter 9 omg were almost on chapter 10!!!!!! k welll legggooooo......

-Alex xo


Chapter 9 

Scarlettes POV

BARNEY THE PURPLE DINOSAUR! wait...where the fuck am i? Oh yeah.  im dead. I drowned. Well.....what happens now? I tried moving around but my body wouldnt budge. My lungs felt as if there were a gallon of weights in them. I squirmed, and tried to move but it was no use. It was as if my legs, nor arms were helpful at the time. I opened my eyes looking deep into the water. somwhere  in the distance of the ocean there was a bright white light. I swim towards the light, being able to move now. Just as I  reach the light...

I wake up to the feeling of pressure on my chest and something on my lips. The pressure on my chest returned bringing up a liquid from my lungs. I opened my eyes and started coughing out water. 

" OH! are you alright?" A concerned voice asked. I look up and see a boy around my age.

" Are you ok?" He asked.

" Who are you?" I asked " Wheres Valerie?" i started to hyperventilate and accidentally whacked him in the face. 

" Omg sorry!" I said sitting up, gaining my balance, since I was literally in a near death situation about 5 minutes ago. 

" Its okay" he laughed." And  i think your friends over there" he said pointing to Val running over here.

" OMG!! SCAR YOUR ALRIGHT!!" she said squeezing me. She started to check all over my body to see if i was alright. She sighs in relief. "I got so scared when you didn't come out of the water!" She said tearing up. "I thought i'd lose you forever!".

"Im ok Valerie!" I said squeezing her into a hug. "How did we fall under water?". I asked Valerie.

"I don't know, I woke up on the other side of the beach!" Valerie exclaimed. I turned my head to the side, studying the boy that saved my life. He had dark brown hair upto his shoulders and dark brown eyes. To top it off, he was shirtless and he had a six pack. Over all he was gorgeous. He looked back at me and smiled seeing me staring at him weird. I quickly blushed and looked away. I looked at Valerie, she too was checking him out. Awkward turtle alert. I stood up and pulled my hair into a ponytail. 

" Soo...uh val? wanna go get dressed now?" i asked Valerie. She looked at me and stood up with the boy. 

" Oh okay. yeah sure." She said.

" Hey,  you guys should come to this club called Luxy its really nice ill be there." The boy said. I wasnt to sure if i wanted to be surounded with sweaty, drunk, horny people. I had a queasy feeling about this. Valeries eyes lit up and she shook her head really quickly followed by an eager yes. I looked at her as if to say ' you sure?'. She smiled at me waving at the boy saying goodbye. I walked away with her grabbing our stuff. 

" IM HUNGRY!!" Val said poking her belly. 

" Me too" I said agreeing with her. We arrived at the hotel. 

" Im taking a shower then getting ready to eat downstairs okay?" I asked. She nodded getting her stuff ready for her shower after me. I took out my under garments and black skinny, a white v-neck and navy blue keds. I walked to the shower, stripped down and let my hair fall onto my sun burnt shoulders. I turned the water on and hissed when the warm water hit my burnt shoulders. I turned the water to cold and smiled at the feeling.

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