Chapter 12

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K so, this is Alison, and I'm guessing you guys have been wondering.... Why in the world would Scarlette kiss Riley? Well your going to figure out today! also we have like 700 reads??? What? Could you guys do us a favour, and comment what you think? It gives us motivation to write more, and faster ;) Ok, on to the story!



Chapter 12

Scarlette's P.O.V

Hmmm... So right now I was kissing Riley Parker.

I looked around my room as his lips moved in sync with mine. His body hovered closely above mine as I continuously stared at my room. Man. I need to pee.

My eye's widened as his hand slithered up my shirt. What am I doing? I pushed him, off gasping. What the hell did I just do?

"What the fuck?" He said looking mad at my actions.

"Oh my fucking god!" I said standing up, walking impatiently around the room. I ran my hand through my long brown hair. I sighed.

"What? Was it too intense for you?" he said winking and biting his lip at the same time. "Shut the fuck up for two seconds! Fuck!" I screamed siting back down. "Ok, so here's the deal" I said looking at him in the eye. "This never happened. Ok?". He smirked. "Ok whatever you say hun" He said winking. I stood up, and made my way out of the room. I needed peace and quiet but all I could hear right now was the noise of loud music.

I barged into the hallway bathroom. I saw a couple making out, and I burst. "Get the fuck out, before I kill someone!" I screamed. "God!" The girl said under her breath but soon left, followed by the guy. I locked the door letting out a breath of relief. I walked to the toilet, putting the seat up. I pulled my pants down, sitting down, and you know, doing my business.

When I was done, I walked towards the sink. I turned the tap on, washing my face. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face dry. I looked at myself in the mirror. Then it sunk in. I had just kissed Riley Parker.

Riley Fucking Parker.


The next day...

I woke up looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. I stood up, cringing because of my massive headache. I looked at my clock. 12:45 Shit! I start work today at 1:00!

I quickly climbed out of bed, walking into my closet. I pulled out my black leather high wasted shorts, and my American flag heart muscle tank. I put on a red vintage headband, and paired it with a red heart mid ring. I walked into my bathroom, studying myself. My hair was a mess. I quickly combed my hair, and roughly curled it. I applied some mascara, and lipgloss. I ran out of the room, grabbing my phone on the way.

I skipped down the stairs, noticing that Val wasn't downstairs, therefore she was still sleeping. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note for her.

Voldemort, I'm off to work, so you better buy me McDonalds by the time I'm back :( I love you <3 -scar="">

I left the note on the kitchen counter, and headed out, wearing my black keds on the way out.

I started the car and was off to work.

{3 hours later}

"Anything else?" I asked a costumer that I was serving. They answered with a 'no' and I was off to my job. I quickly prepared the food, and delivered it to their table. They said their thankyou's and dug in.

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