Chapter 3

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hello birdiesss! Guess who? Oh you guessed it! Its me Alison. well people call me Ali so ya its Ali! Anyways ya so lets just get on with this chapp kk legooo

-Alison <3>


Chapter 3:

Scarlette P.O.V 

"UGHHH!" I screamed as i rolled off my bed. Stupid school.

The only reason i go to school is to see my friends or else why should I? Its boring.

I walked up to my clock and saw that it was 7:30. WOW! Im not late for once. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of ripped up white skinnies, and my 'Swaggie' crop top. I also slipped on my black leather jacket. I walked towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Ugh," I shrugged. "I'll just leave my hair natural today, plain old wavy".

I then saw Valerie pass by my bathroom and walk towards my dresser.

"Hey? Can i borrow this" She said holding up my TNA crop top.

"Sure" I shrugged. You see me and Val were always like this. She is the sister i never had.

"Merp" She said walking away while making a really retarded duck face. I burst into laughter.

"Oh, Val" I said huffing. And turning back to look in the mirror. I then started to apply my makeup. Some mascara, eyeliner, and light pink lip gloss. I then hopped away fetching my jansport bag.

I skipped downstairs and walked towards the kitchen.

"Whats for breakfast?" I asked unsure.


"YEAHH BUDDY!" we both said at the same time.

"Their almost done". She said. "Hey, Scar can you pass my two plates from the cupboard".

"Sure" I said as I walked towards the cupboard grabbing two plates. Our house is fairly big. Luckily Valeries parents are rich so they give her money monthly. As for me I work 3 Days a week at Nando's.

I handed her the plates and watched as she propped the pancakes on the plates. She then buttered them and put a fairly large amount of maple syrup on top. We love our maple syrup.

Then suddenly we both shouted at the same time.


I walked over to the fridge and plopped out the whip cream can. Me and Valerie love our whip cream cold.

I handed her the can and she started to put it on the pancakes. She first put a small amount on her own before putting a big blob on mine. I love whip cream, she knew me too well. And I like that.

We then started to walk over to the table. We took a seat and I started to stare at her.

" Valerie may I ask what are we going to eat with...OUR HANDS?!?" i said sweetly at first but then I started to scream.

"Oops" She simply said before getting up and fetching us some forks.

I then dugg in an we were both eating like a pack of hungry wolves.

Once we were done I took my plate and placed its in the sink along with my fork,Val doing the same.

We then headed for the door. I slipped on my red converse allstar's and headed out the door.

"You driving?" I asked.

" Ugh, im not in the mood". When I heard her reply I walked to the drivers seat and Valerie went to the passengers seat. I turned the engine on and started to drive.

When we arrived, the bell had just rang so we weren't late. I locked the car and headed into the school building. Me and Val seperated because we had diffrent classes.

I walked down the halls, Bag in hand.

"Hey Scarlette!" Ryan a friend of mine said from infront of me.

"Hey" I replied.

"Well catch you later!" He said berfore heading off. Ryan was a friend but not BEST friend. He understood me, and I understood him. Thats all, and besides i think hes gay...

I walked to my homeroom class and took a seat. This class was Language. Great another boring class. Or so I thought...


Later on in class...

"When a lead is put.." Miss. Mandel explained even though half the class wasen't listening.

Then suddenly the funniest thing in the world happend. Something out of Miss. Mandel's pocket fell out. Her Tampon. She didint even notice.

The class was cracking up and she didint even know why! Every one was laughing so hard.

Well if im gonna be in this class might aswell make it fun.

"Um miss" I started pointing at her tampon."I suggest you either put that were it is supposed to go or you a bag". i said giving her attitude.

She quickly bent down and picked it up. Her face red with anger, embarrasment and who knows what. The whole class was bursting with laughter.

" PRINCIPALS OFFICE" she screamed."NOW!"

I skipped out of the room leaving her as red at a tomato. I could hear the faint screams of her getting mad at the class to shut up. What a fag.

I reached the office and walked into the principals room.

"Hey Mr. T" I said waving happily.

His face was redder then Miss. Mandel's! He looked like he was a red pepper.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?!" he screamed, and that little vein that popps out of his fore head was showing. OMG that vein was hallarious. "YOU MADE A TEACHER MAD, EMBARRASED AND YOU STEPPED INTO SOMETHING PERSONAL OF HER'S. YO-" I cut him off.

"Are you done because I have things to do and place's to go". I said calmly.


"Oh, that's a shame" I said quickly. " Bye Mr. T!" I waved and skipped out of the room.

"UGHGHH!" he screamed.

Well that was fun. At least I get a whole week to myself. YAAY more shopping. As I walked fown the halls I saw a guy staring at me. Its that 'hottie' Riley Parker. He smirked at me. Bitch.

"Hey Babe" He waved at me. He was looking me up and down real slow.

"Fuck off" I snapped back. "jerk" i muttered


I walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge. Nope nothing to eat. Ohh i see noodles. I pulled out the noodles and put them in a pot of water.

While i was waiting I flopped on my couch and pulled my phone out to go on instagram. I scrolled to my notifications only to see a friend request. oh he seems cute. And his name is Riley Parker?!? 

riley parker.

Riley Parker.




Hey so I hope you liked this chappiee! So ya byee...... MURP.


She's one BadassOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz