Chapter 2

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A/N: heyy birdys was upp. so its alex, im gonna upload the next chapiiee :) thankyou to our very first read yayyyyy kkaay here we gooooo:)


Chapter 2:

Scarlette POV:

I woke up to the noise of Valerie singing. Yeah, this was a casual thing for me. I sluggishly got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. What the actual fuck? I look like  Miss.Puff from Spongebob. I laughed to myself.

"AHHHH! what the fuck?!?!" i screamed at Valerie. She was sitting on the toilet and she was falling down slowly with eyes closed. She jumped up suddenly when i screamed grabbing the toilet plunger beside the toilet swinging it around like a maniac.

"HUH?WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?HOW?" she screamed, but then she put the plunger back down when she saw it was me, and casually walked back into my room with her pants around her ankles. Her florecent yellow undies still on. i shook my head and turned on the shower, closed the door and stripped out of my sweats and tanktop. jumping in the shower-literally.


After my soothing shower, i wore my fuzy pj's and and white v-neck. walking down the stairs i tripped on the last 3 steps and landed face flat on valeries ass. its pretty comfy.

" valerie? what. the. fuck are you doing on the floor?"i asked. dumbass.

"m mfaiin ouf wif mah floo waf ar yuf doinf?" she asked. her voice was muffled since she was planking on the floor. loser. I got up slowly using my arms for strength. Instead of stepping over her i stepped ON her.

"WTF!?!?!? SCAR HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGHT?" Valerie asked me in pain.

"Well around 120-" I was cut off by Valerie.

"UGH!, I was being sarcastic DUMB FUCK". she exclaimed.

"oh..." I said. i walked towards the kitchen casually, and opened the fridge door. Meh.There's nothing to eat. I pondered for a moment tapping my feet.

" CUPCAKES!" i yelled.

"what?" Valerie asked confused. She walked into the kitchen holding her butt. Oops, i guess i stepped to hard. I re-opened the fridge to see if we had the ingredients.

"no eggs.....or iceing" i said noticing the absence of the important ingredients.

"well you're gonna have to go get 'em" she said using a hill billy accent. I laughed and grabbed my keys and jacket. I checked if i had money in my jacket. nope.

"VOLDEMORT? YOU GOT CHANGE?" I yelled. She walked in and threw a 10 dollar bill at me. I blankly stared at her, she stared back. We both suddenly turned and continued to walk away. I slipped on my black uggs and opened the door.

When the car stopped at a red light i turned the radio on. Beauty and a beat came on by Justin Bieber.

" CUZ ALL I NE-ED IS A BEAUTY AND A BEAT, TO MAKE MY LIFE COMPLE-EEET"I sang thrashing my arms around. The old man next to me started to laugh and pointed at me talking to his wife. She  looked at me and smiled. Her smile was so contagious it made me smile back. I looked to my right side seeing an teenager in the passenger seat wink at me. I made a face at him. From the corner of my eyes i saw the red light flicker to green. I sped away hoping to never see him again.

I arrived at the grocery store parking my car in the parking lot next to a familiar black van. Where did i see this car? i asked myself.

"Probably a random car i saw before" i said out loud. Yes i talk to know statistics say that the people that talk to themselves are smarter. So shut up. I walked out of my car and into the grocery store. i walked around looking for icing and eggs. After finding the eggs i went to the icing isle. I heard some snickering coming from my right side. I turned around only to see the teenager i made a face at earlier.

"What?" i asked. " It happens...okay?" i walked off grabbing a random chocolate icing container. You know what? Aint nobody got time for dat. I walked to the cashier and bought my items.

I grabbed my bag and walked out the sliding door. THEIR SO COOL!!!. As i was walking outside i heard some wholf whistles. I turned around and saw a group of guys with a slutty whore clinging onto a particular guy. Riley. He thinks hes a badass, hipsta please. Legit, the kid thinks he rules the school.

" Ew! what a whore" The slut said in her squeaky high pitched voice.

" Me? a whore? bitch, your ass is suppose to be IN your skirt not hanging OUT of it" i said walking towards her. By now one of the guys was holding an iphone towards us. " and have you heard of a bra, yeah they exsist. Lastly your face isnt a coloring book, calm down". I said reffering to her mini skirt and bra-less boobs. She caked her face with make-up. It looks like she gave her younger sibling crayons and allowed them to draw on her face.

" This is so going on facebook" the guy that was video taping us said. The slut rolled her fake blue eyes and twirled her fake blonde that had brown coming from the roots. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Opening my car i backed away i saw Riley (the football player) staring at me. I looked forward and drove home.

I walked into the kitchen after the

" hey! did you see that video, this girl soo dissed this slut". Valerie said. I guess she didnt notice it was me.

"nope" i said popping the 'p'. i took out the ingredients and started to make the batter.

"You helping?" i asked not looking up. For some reason i was almost...mad. Why? was i sad that he prefers girls like her over me? nah i hate him, hes fake and....ugly.

" uhm yeah sure" she said confused at my sudden change of mood. She reached for the pan and put vegetable oil in each cupcake cubby.

an hour later:

I patted my stomache full of what i just ate.

" im going to bed" i said to Valerie. I kissed her cheek and grabbed my phone and ran upstairs to my bedroom. i closed the lights and laid down on my bed pulling the covers over me.I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. But for some reason i couldnt my thoughts kept racing back to when Riley was looking at me with that amused face of his. Eventually i fell asleep. But instead of dreaming about rainbows and unicorns i dreamt about him. The one who broke my heart

That mother fucker.

I, Scarlette Calder, promise to get my revenge on, him-whose-name-shall-not-be-said.


HEYYY!!! :) how did ya like the chapiieee??

WELLL thanks for reading. Can we get up to 8 votes for the next chapter?


yeah im obssesed with sloths. so dont be a sloth....CUZ IM A SLLOTHHH :) nahh i lied.


- Alex

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