Chapter 4 - No Chance Now..

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A month later...

On Snapchat..

Dem ❤️

Demi: "Sup, you busy at all today?"
Me: "No why?"
Demi: "I have something I need to tell you, can you meet at the coffee shop? 3pm?"
Me: "Yeah sure, see you then :)"
Demi: "Okayyyy :)))"
Me: "Byeee"


I turned off my phone and sighed, running a hand through my hair. I was nervous and excited at the same time. What could she possibly want to tell me? We'd been through so much together, but lately, we'd been more like friends than anything else. Still, there was always that connection between us, that special bond.

I arrived at the coffee shop at 2:55, just in case she was early. The place was bustling as usual, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. I found my usual seat by the window and started looking out for Demi, trying to calm my nerves.

She arrived a few minutes later, looking radiant in a black and white stripy sweater and black jeans. She gave me a big smile as she walked over and sat down across from me. This was the happiest I had ever seen her.

"Go on, what do you need to tell me?" I chuckled softly, trying to make light of the situation. But the truth was, I could feel the anticipation building up inside me.

"Well, remember how you told me about going on dates and stuff like that? Instead of sleeping with girls?" Demi leaned in, her hand propping up her chin as she stared at me intently. There was a sparkle in her eye that I hadn't seen in a while.

Inside, my heart dropped, it couldn't be...

"Mhm?" I gulped, my throat suddenly dry.

Demi smiled, the most beautiful smile I had ever seen on her face. It was like all her worries and fears had been washed away in that moment.

"Well I met this girl, went on a few dates and even had a movie night at mine like you suggested." She paused for a breath before finally saying,

"I have a girlfriend now."

My heart skipped a beat. My throat felt like it was closing up. I couldn't speak.

"I Uhm.." I cleared my throat, "Im so happy f-for you.. Yeah.. Um.. What's her name?"

Demi grinned, her cheeks flushing slightly. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, "Jessie. She's absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and this amazing sense of humor. We just click, you know? It's like we've known each other for years. I feel so comfortable with her, and I can be myself around her. And the best part is, she feels the same way about me. She makes me feel wanted and loved, and I never want to let her go. It's like a dream come true, you know? I never thought I'd find someone like her, but here she is, and she's mine. And I'm hers."

I tried to hard to be happy for her, part of me truly was, but that other side of me was jealous. So incredibly jealous. I had never been jealous of Demi before, but I was now. It was like a knife in my chest, this realization that I wasn't the one she wanted. I tried to push it down, to hide it from her, but I knew she could see right through me. And that only made it worse.

"You good?" Demi put a chewing gum in her mouth and started to chew on it nervously.

"Yeah, you're just making me feel like a single Pringle." I chuckled to lighten the mood, but inside I was still seething with jealousy. It was like a heavy weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe. I tried to focus on the happiness she was expressing, but it was hard when all I could see was her holding hands with another girl and laughing together.

Right Place, Right Time - Rhea RipleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz