Chapter 26 - Fiancé

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I'm sorry for the huge time skip, it just made sense in my head to do so, enjoy :)


2 years had passed, Demi and I were still as good as ever. We still lived in the same apartment, but it had been transformed, making it feel more cozy and comfortable. Pictures of us and our friends adorned the walls, making the place feel like home. Today was the day I had been waiting for, to finally buy Demi her wedding ring. I had been planning on proposing for so long and I couldn't wait any longer.

I snuck out of bed while Demi was still asleep and took one of her rings to get a rough idea of her finger size. Then, off I went to go ring shopping. Before leaving, I sent her a cute text, saying that I was out buying her a present.

It was when I got outside the shop that I called Alyssa, she instantly answered with a wide smile on her face,

"Hiya." She chirped, her voice echoing through the phone.

"Ive got something to tell you." I said with a nervous laugh, feeling butterflies in my stomach. Alyssa instantly perked up, her voice full of curiosity.

"Ooo, go on!"

"I'm going to propose to Demi today!"

Alyssa's jaw dropped, "Oh my God no way! Let me know how it goes afterwards."

"Oh I'm gonna record it, don't worry. Thanks so much Alyssa, you're the best!" I beamed, feeling a surge of excitement course through my veins. Alyssa laughed,

"You're welcome! I'm just so happy for you two. I can't wait to see the pictures of the ring!"

We said our goodbyes and it was time to head into the shop, my heart was pounding out of my chest. As I walked up to the counter, I caught the saleswoman's eye and she came over to assist me. She asked me about Demi's style, her personality, and what kind of ring she liked. I told her everything I could think of, trying to convey how much Demi meant to me.

Then I gave her Demi's ring for a rough idea of how big of a ring she needed, and we spent the next half an hour looking at different rings, discussing different styles, and finally narrowing it down to one. It was perfect, a beautiful gold band with a small diamond in the center. The saleswoman wrapped it up for me in a beautiful burgundy silk box, and I paid for it, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me.

My phone lit up, a notification from Demi. It was a message and it read:

"Oooo okay, I love surprises!"

I smiled, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement well up inside me. It was time to head back home and prepare for the moment I'd been dreaming of. As I walked through the city, I couldn't help but feel a new sense of purpose. The sun was shining brighter, the birds were singing louder, and everything seemed to be in perfect harmony.

I knew the place I'd propose, a beautiful flower garden place about a 20 minute drive away from home, I had it all planned out. When I arrived home, the box in my pocket, I pulled Demi into a big hug, telling her I missed her and I couldn't wait for us to go out tonight. I told her we were going to my favourite place, just the two of us. Demi, being the sweet and trusting person she is, didn't suspect a thing.

She sat down in front of her mirror, putting on some light makeup, humming to herself as she did so. I couldn't help but admire her from across the room. She was so beautiful, inside and out. Her black hair cascaded down her back, framing her delicate features. Her bright blue eyes caught the light, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I was nervous, but I knew what her answer would be.

I had chosen the perfect spot for our special moment. The flower garden was in full bloom, the air thick with the scent of roses and lavender. I had set up a small picnic blanket under a shady tree, with a bottle of wine and two glasses waiting. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she saw it all.

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