Chapter 22 - I have to escape.

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February 15th 2021:

Demi's POV:

My eyes shot open, to see Jessie undressing in front of me. I felt so drowsy, so tired... I didn't want to do this, but I had to. I had to find a way out. I couldn't let her continue using me like this. As she turned her back to me, I quickly slipped the keychain under her pillow, and put it on. She wouldn't notice.

"Morning sunshine, you remember much of last night?" She asked, a wicked grin spreading across her face as she took her bra off.

"I don't.. Just feel a little shitty." I knew I had to lie, "We must've had too much to drink last night."

"Oh you don't remember? I asked you out and you said yes." She lied, but I saw through the lie and believed her, panicking, but I had to play it cool, if it meant I could escape from this living hell.

"Oh really? Wow, I don't remember that at all... But that's so nice of you. I really like you Jessie." I said, my voice wavering slightly, but I had to keep it together.

Jessie smiled, a little too wide, and sat down on the bed beside me. "Well, we should make the most of it then, huh?" She purred, leaning in to kiss me. Her lips felt cold and hard against mine, and I felt nothing but revulsion. I forced myself to kiss her back, my heart racing, my mind screaming at me to run.

She pulled out the kiss, "I'm going for a shower, you want to join me or just wait here for me to be done and then we can go out for breakfast? Maybe we could go to that diner we like, like the old days, honeybunny?" She asked, grinning at me.

"Sounds great, I'm just gonna get dressed, if that's okay." I got up, my head spinning, and started to get dressed. As I pulled on my jeans and shirt, I felt the keychain under my shirt, pressing against my skin. I could do this, I could get out of here.

She nodded and disappeared into the bathroom, hearing the water run. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I had to get it out somehow. I waited a few moments, then quietly slipped out the bedroom. Luckily Jessie's key was in the door, so I unlocked the door and got out, softly shutting it behind me. I sprinted down the street, the keychain banging against my chest, my heart racing. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away from her. I had my bag with me, luckily inside there was some money so I could get a taxi.

There was a taxi driver letting someone out down the road, I rushed over, "Can I get a ride please?"

He nodded, opening the back door for me, and I jumped inside. I gave him the address of my house, and he started driving. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths, trying to calm down. I felt guilty for everything. I looked through Snapchat, a picture popping up of me and Jessie in her bed, I didn't remember it at all. That was how Kayla found out. Then, all the memories came back, seeing her sat on the bench, blacking out, waking up in her car, everything. It flooded my mind, and I started to tear up. I didn't want to do this anymore. I didn't want to be trapped in this nightmare.

The memory of leaving my coke on the bench, open, hit me. She had drugged me, and I had trusted her. I felt like an idiot. I wanted to tell someone, anyone, but no one would believe me. The only way out was to escape from Jessie and hope that I could piece my life back together.

Kayla, she must've been so heartbroken seeing that picture. I was not a cheater, I really was not, but she wouldn't believe me. I couldn't face her again, not like this. I had to find some way to get out of this. The taxi pulled up to my house, and I paid the driver, thanking him as I hurried inside. I went straight to my kitchen, the place was empty, all of Kayla's stuff gone.

On the counter, was a note, neatly folded in half. My heart stopped for a moment, wondering if it was from her. I opened it carefully, slowly, my hands trembling. The familiar handwriting filled my vision, the letters flowing gracefully across the page. My suspicious were correct, it was Kayla. I didn't know what to do. My whole world had been turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

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