Chapter 23 - Closure.

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Demi's POV:

TW: SH, Suicide.

A few months had passed, still nothing from Kayla, I felt like nothing could save me. I felt like a nobody. I was sat in my bed, unable to focus on anything other than my ceiling. My arms ached, the scars and slits trying to heal, the memories of what happened flooding back in. It felt like I was in a never ending cycle of pain and regret. I had lost my girlfriend, most of my friends, everything. I was a burden, I knew that. I wished I could go back, I wished I could undo it all. But Jessie destroyed my life, she took it all away for a night of fun.

The Police were taking their time in the Jessie case, gathering all the information they could. I sent them the photo of me and Jessie, while I blacked out. Where I was drugged, everything.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I hesitated, unsure if I should answer it. But curiosity got the better of me and I slowly made my way over to the door, opening it a crack. There stood Scarlett, her eyes filled with determination and anger. "We need to talk," she said, her voice firm.

I opened the door wider, allowing her to enter. She took a seat on the edge of my bed, her posture rigid. "I don't know how to say this, but I'm disappointed in Kayla. I tried to talk to her at the gym but she didn't believe me, she didn't even want to hear about you. She's fully shut down Demi, she's turned cold."

"I understand," I said softly. "I never wanted any of this to happen. It was all Jessie. She manipulated us all. But I guess I'll never get Kayla back, I've lost her for real this time."

Scarlett nodded, her expression sympathetic. "I don't know if you'll ever get her back, but you have to try. You can't just give up on her. You have to show her that you're not the person she thinks you are. You need to prove your innocence, and make her understand that you're not the monster she believes you are."

Her eyes locked on to the slits on my arms, the scars and cuts still visible. "You should try talking to her again, Demi. Tell her what you told me. Tell her everything. She needs to know the truth. And if that doesn't work...well, there's always a chance she might believe you, but you have to be prepared for the fact that she might not."

"I've accepted defeat Scarlett, just please leave me be. I need some time to think." I said, feeling the weight of her words crushing down on me. I couldn't face Kayla again. Not after everything Jessie had put her through. I didn't deserve her.

Scarlett gave me a hug and left shortly after.

It was then that it hit me, I had to go, in some way or another. I couldn't deal with anything anymore, having someone take advantage of me, and Kayla didn't believe it, not wanting to hear me out. I couldn't take it anymore.

One more chance wouldn't hurt right, to message Kayla?. I opened up Snapchat but she was nowhere to be seen, she had blocked me. I opened up my contacts and searched for her number. I took a deep breath and pressed call. The phone rang and rang until finally, she answered.

"Just leave me the fuck alone." Her voice full of hate as she hung up. I stared at the black phone screen, feeling a mix of anger, frustration and desperation.

The desperation turned into hopelessness. I stormed out to my car and started it up, knowing exactly where to go, I turned on the radio and drove rapidly to the bridge, the 100ft drop would take care of me, I wouldn't have to live with this pain any longer.

As I pulled up to the edge, I took a deep breath. I hesitated for a moment, my fingers tightening on the steering wheel.

I rang Kayla for one last time, to see if she was truly worth it all.

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