Chapter 7 - That Bitch

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2 Months Later, Demi's POV:

Life was great, everyone in the gym were doing well, even Alyssa started to join us every time we went. Kayla had fixed her problems, me and Jessie were closer than ever. Everyone was seeing much clearer. I was so proud of Kayla and Lewis, the two had lost so much weight and were feeling so confident in their bodies.

The day at the gym was cut short as I pulled a muscle, making it hard for me to walk or even sit down. I knew I had to go back to my apartment and see Jessie, she had been complaining that she was aching and hurting so decided to not come join us, the girls and Lewis. I couldn't help but feel guilty as I left her on her own but she insisted she was fine and just needed to rest.

"Right guys, sorry to cut it short today but I've pulled a muscle in my leg, hurt like fuck." I chuckled, rubbing my calf. The guys immediately looked concerned, especially Alyssa and Kayla.

"You good? You need me to drive you home?" Alyssa offered,

"It's all good thanks. I'll just walk home, it's good to walk it off and then I can get home and relax. I probably won't be in tomorrow but the day after, I will."

"Okay, see you in two days!" Lewis waved, followed by the others,

I waved goodbye to the guys and started my walk home. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. But with every step, my leg ached more and more. I couldn't help but wonder how Jessie was doing. She'd been feeling down lately and I hoped that seeing me come home earlier would cheer her up a little.

Despite the leg, I felt great. The fresh air and the exercise had done wonders for my mood. As I approached my apartment building, I took a moment to stretch my leg and catch my breath. I could feel the tension in my muscles starting to ease up.

I unlocked the door and creeped in, careful to not wake Jessie up as she was asleep when I left. I heard chuckling from the bedroom and assumed she was calling her friends, maybe complaining about something, like, she always did, but I still loved her. I went to the kitchen to get some ice for my leg when I heard a loud thud from the bedroom. I immediately rushed over, concerned.

I opened the door to see a man on top of her, wearing nothing but his boxers, with Jessie beneath him, in her Bra and underwear.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, anger coursing through me. Jessie's face was a mixture of shock and embarrassment, as the man jumped off her, trying to cover himself with his hands.

"Demi?" she gasped. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Well, you should've!" I shouted. I couldn't believe this was happening. "What is going on here?"

The man, still trying to cover himself, looked at me with fear in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"You didn't know what? That MY girlfriend is a a FUCKING LESBIAN?!"

"GIRLFRIEND?! LESBIAN?! YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE SINGLE!" The man shouted, his face red with anger and embarrassment. I felt my own anger subside slightly as I took in his confusion. It was clear that he had no idea who Jessie truly was.

"What the fuck." I put my head in my hands, feeling as if my world was crumbling. My lesbian girlfriend had cheated on me, now it turned out she was actually bi?

The man, seeing that I wasn't going to continue shouting at him, sat down on the bed, looking defeated. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know. She told me she was single and liked me so much, told me this was her apartment and that she was lonely..."

"Jessie I swear to God, get dressed and pack up your stuff, we're done."

Jessie, still lying on the bed, looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Demi. I wanted to tell you, but I was scared. I didn't know how you'd react."

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