Chapter 25 - I could get used to this, again.

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1 Month Later...

The sun was nowhere to be seen, it must have been 2am by now. I opened my eyes as a bright light attacked them. It was Kayla on her phone. I couldn't help but feel a bit amused at the sight of Kayla setting five different morning alarms for herself. It was kind of cute, I knew how stubborn her morning self could be.

As I lay there watching her, I realised that I'd never seen her this relaxed. Usually, she was always on edge, worried about something. But now, she seemed content, even in her sleepy state. It made me wonder what had changed. Maybe it was me, maybe I had something to do with it. She seemed more relaxed the more happier I became after everything.

But all of a sudden I was awoken from my thoughts to the faint sound of buzzing. Kayla looked back and fourth between me and something in her hand, luckily he room was dark so she couldn't see that I was awake, it was a vibrator and it made my heart race. She was gonna do this all, right beside me. I didn't mind, I loved it. My heart started racing as she slowly moved her fingers closer and closer to her center. Her breath hitched and she bit her lip, her eyes half-closed. I couldn't help but watch in awe as she touched herself, feeling the heat emanating from her body.

As she continued, the sound of the vibrator grew louder and more intense, matching the rhythm of her breath. Her fingers moved faster, seeking out the pleasure she so desperately craved. Her face flushed, and I could see a sheen of sweat forming on her brow. She moaned quietly, the sound making my blood run hot. I wanted to touch her, to help her, but I didn't want to interrupt this moment. This was something between her and the vibrator, and I was just a witness.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and arousal as I watched her. It was like seeing a beautiful painting come to life before my eyes. The way she moved her hips subtly, the way her fingers danced across her skin. It was a sight I could watch for hours. And as she neared her climax, I could feel the air in the room thicken, could sense the energy between us building.

"Ohhh Demi." She whispered, my eyes widening.

She was moaning my name, without me even doing anything, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of desire course through my veins. Her grip on the vibrator tightened, her movements growing more urgent as she neared her climax. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and her eyes were fixed on some distant point in the ceiling, lost in the pleasure she was experiencing.

I couldn't stop myself, this was the first time I had felt like this in so long, and I wanted more. I reached out and gently brushed my fingers against her hip, feeling the warmth radiate through my skin. She let out a shuddering breath, instantly turning off the vibrator.

"D-Demi? You awake?" Kayla's voice was shaky, her breath still ragged from being so close to finishing,

"Mhm, and I heard the whole thing. You're so hot when you moan my name.." I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Kayla's eyes widened, a flush creeping up her neck. "D-Demi, I..." she stammered.

I reached out, tracing a finger along her jawline, feeling the softness of her skin beneath my touch. "You can tell me," I whispered, leaning in closer. "It's okay."

Kayla swallowed hard, still trying to catch her breath. Her gaze flickered between me and her hand, where the vibrator lay. "It's just... We haven't done anything in so long. I never wanted to push it on to you after everything that happened, I'm sorry this was my only chance to do it."

"Hey it's okay, I understand. Plus, hearing you moan my name... it was sexy. So sexy, babe. And feeling how close you were... it was like I could taste it in the air. It made me want more. And I don't want you to feel like you can't be honest with me." I leaned in closer, my breath tickling her ear. "Tell me what you want, what you need. And I'll give you what you want."

Right Place, Right Time - Rhea RipleyWhere stories live. Discover now