Chapter 6 - Seeing things clearly.

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I awoke with my heart racing, as if I'd just been in a car crash. But I was safe, tucked away in my bed. The sunlight streaming through my window cast a warm glow across my room, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that lingered beneath it. As if something was constantly stalking and watching me, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

I ignored the feeling and forced myself out of bed, my limbs heavy and aching. As I made my way through my bedroom, the dread intensified. It felt as if someone was playing a sick game with me, taunting me, daring me to confront it. I couldn't help but wonder what it was that was making me feel this way. Maybe my anxiety? I didn't know.

My phone dinged with a notification on Snapchat, a message from Alyssa. "Hey, are you awake yet? I'm so excited for today! Can't wait to see you!" I forced a smile and replied "Sameeeee", trying to shake off the unease that had settled in my stomach. Maybe a nice shower would help?

I made my way to the bathroom, glancing over my shoulder every few steps, feeling as if someone were watching me. The warm water cascaded over my skin, washing away the lingering dread, but it didn't vanish entirely. It lingered, a shadow at the corner of my eye.

I dried off and threw on some comfortable clothes, grabbing a quick breakfast before meeting Alyssa. As we walked to the car she was driving, she chattered away about our plans for the day, her excitement infectious. I tried to focus on her words, but my mind kept drifting back to the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

She spoke about the beach, the food, the sun. I listened, nodding along, but my heart wasn't in it. Something felt off, and I couldn't shake the feeling. As we drove to Adelaide Beach, the sky was a brilliant blue, the ocean a vivid blue-green, and the sand sparkling white beneath us. It was beautiful, maybe I was just anxious over nothing.

We arrived and stretched out on our towels, laughing and talking. The salty air caressed my skin, and the warmth of the sun felt good. But still, something nagged at me. I kept glancing around, feeling like someone was watching us. Alyssa must have noticed, because she kept giving me these strange looks, but she never said anything.

We spent the day swimming, building sandcastles, and eating ice cream. The ocean was so clear that I could see fish swimming in the water, and the sand was so soft that it sank into my feet with every step. Despite the idyllic setting, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Every time I glanced around, I felt like someone was watching us. Alyssa seemed to sense this too, and she kept trying to make me feel better, but it was no use.

"What's up?" Alyssa finally asked me,

"I don't know, it's just... Something feels off today. Like someone's watching us. I keep feeling this sense of dread, and I can't shake it." I looked at her, hoping she'd understand.

She frowned, her brows knitting together. "You're probably just being paranoid. Maybe it's the stress or something. We should focus on having fun, there's no one watching us. Wanna go for a walk along the beach?"


As we walked I finally realised what the feeling was. I was scared of seeing Demi and Jessie, that was it. It had to be. But I couldn't say that to Alyssa. I couldn't ruin her day. I decided to focus on the sand and the ocean, trying to push my worries aside.

"Is it Demi and Jessie that you're scared of?"

I glanced over at Alyssa, surprised by her perceptiveness. She must have been picking up on it all, "I-I guess? I mean, I agreed to come to the gym today after this..." My voice trailed off as I tried to find the words to express my fears without making her feel uncomfortable.

"I don't wanna see her and Jessie together, I know they will both be there.."

Alyssa looked at me, "Hey, I'll come with you if you want, you can just ignore the two."

Right Place, Right Time - Rhea RipleyWhere stories live. Discover now