Chapter 13 - Its always the innocent ones.

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July 2020...

Time to open up about something. Life in lockdown was getting to the boring stage. Being a 22 year old virgin with no way to go out and date someone and have fun made my mind wonder. I'd grown tired of doing the deed with my own hands and needed some variety. I decided to do some research on sex toys and find something for me. Seeing all the different toys pop up on my laptop made my eyes widen, my heart race, and my imagination run wild. I finally settled on a box full of various toys, just enough to keep me entertained for a while. I, in no way, could ever explain this to Demi, I'd be too embarrassed.

While Demi and I had known each other almost a year, I still couldn't help but feel guilty about my decision. I'd never been one to keep secrets from her, but this felt different. It was like admitting that I was a big lonely virgin, the thing that she was not, and that I wanted more out of life than just staying in and watching TV all day.

I finally ordered them after minutes of trying to talk myself out of it. They'd arrive in a few days, discreetly packed in a box labeled as 'personal care products'.

The day they arrived, Demi and I were watching TV, we received a knock on the door and I had forgotten about it all. "I'll go and get it!" Demi shot up and was shocked to see a postman,

"Package for Kayla?"

My eyes widened, my heart sunk as Demi called me over and I collected the package, saying thank you and shutting the door, trying to keep my cool.

"Oooo you didn't tell me you ordered something." Demi smiled innocently, hinting to know what was in the box.

"Yeah, surprise I guess." I chuckled and took the box into my bedroom, unsure on whether to open it while Demi was here.

I hesitated for a moment before opening the box, staring at the various toys inside. I picked up one of them, a vibrator, and ran my fingers over it, feeling the smoothness of the plastic. It was a little intimidating, but at the same time, exciting. I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel against my skin.

"What did you get?" Demi walked in, I quickly threw the toy back in the box and closed it, "Oooo you're hiding something. It can't be that bad right?"

I shrugged, feeling guilty but also a little excited. It was like having a secret that only I knew about. The thought of using these toys, of exploring my body and finding pleasure, was both terrifying and thrilling.

Demi leaned against the bed, watching me carefully. "Come on, Kayla. You can tell me. No judgement I promise.." Her voice was soft, almost teasing.

Part of me wanted to confess, to tell her everything and have her understand. But another part of me was still too afraid, too embarrassed. I couldn't believe I'd actually done it. I'd bought these things for myself, for my own pleasure. It was a secret that felt so heavy, so forbidden.

Demi leaned forward, her curiosity clearly getting the better of her. "Come on, Kayla. I promise I won't tell anyone. Just let me see. Please?" There was a pleading quality to her voice that made me want to trust her, to let her in on this tiny part of my life.

"Okay but what I say in this room, stays in this room you hear me?" Demi nodded slowly, I still felt a little hesitant. I took a deep breath and grabbed the box, sitting it down on the bed between us. I opened the box slowly, revealing the various toys inside. There was a vibrator, a dildo, and even some lube. It felt so surreal, like I was revealing a part of myself that I had never known existed.

Demi's mouth dropped open as she took in the contents of the box. Her eyes widened in surprise and curiosity, and a blush crept up her cheeks. There was a mix of shock and fascination in her expression.

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