Chapter 20 - She's back...

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February 7th 2021...

As I absent-mindedly scrolled through my messages, my gaze unintentionally drifted towards the mirror stood up against the wall, next to the bed. In the reflection, I noticed myself, but slimmer than I remember, more toned and fit. I couldn't help but wonder how much weight I had actually lost. With a sudden determination, I decided to step onto the scale in the bathroom to find out. I really wanted to wait until Demi was home from the gym but I was scared that I'd forget.

I checked out the BMI scale on my phone, looking towards my height and the healthy weight for my height, for 5"5, the healthy weight was between 54 and 63kg. I remember vividly weighing myself a few months back and being in the 70s, but now was time to see if I was a healthy weight.

I went into the bathroom and found the scale, my heart beating a little faster as I placed my feet on it, making sure anything that could weigh me down was gone. I took a deep breath and stepped on, waiting for the number to appear on the screen. When it finally did, I was shocked to see that I weighed 62.7kg.


I couldn't believe it. The realisation washed over me like a wave of relief, as if a weight, no pun intended, had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt so much lighter, not just in terms of my physical weight, but also emotionally. I had worked so hard for this, sticking to my diet and exercise plan, and it had finally paid off. I rushed to call Demi, her beautiful face popping up.

"Hey, what's got you so happy? You're usually so upset when I'm gone." She asked, a grin spreading across her face, the clangs of weights hitting the floor in the background.

"I weighed myself and..." I teared up, so genuinely proud of myself, but still unable to contain my excitement, I couldn't wait to tell her. I took a deep breath, wiping my eyes and continued, my voice cracking, "I am finally at a healthy weight, Demi. I am so proud of myself, I just had to share it with you."

She looked at me, her eyes wide with surprise and happiness, before jumping off the treadmill and doing a happy dance. "Oh my God, I am so proud of you! I knew you could do it, babe! You look incredible!"

I wiped my tears, showing the number on the scales, then I noticed Lewis and Scarlett behind Demi, both showing their support too,

"I am so proud of you. You've worked so hard, and it shows. You should be so proud of yourself. You're going to rock that bikini I got you this summer, aren't you?" She winked, and I couldn't help but grin back.

"Hell yeah babe." I grinned back at her, feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief wash over me. As we continued to talk, I realized that this wasn't just about my weight loss; it was about us supporting each other through thick and thin. It was about being there for one another, even when life got tough. And in that moment, I knew that no matter what happened in the future, Demi and I would always have each other's backs.

I ended the call and relaxed, but a knock at the door made me jump. The knock was loud, insistent, and followed by an angry female voice. "Open up!!" My heart dropped as I recognised the voice from somewhere, but couldn't pinpoint who she was. I tried to ignore her, but she wouldn't stop. Finally, I had no choice but to open the door.

There stood Jessie, she looked so different now, her hair all messy and greasy, she stunk of booze.

She instantly grabbed me by the neck, pulling me inside and pushing me to the wall out of anger, "What the fuck are you doing?!" I tried to struggle free, but she was stronger than she looked. My vision started to blur as she squeezed tighter. I couldn't breathe. Panic set in.

"I've seen all over social media, you and Demi living happily ever after. Well let me tell you something, Kayla, one day, Demi will be mine again and there is nothing you can do to stop it. So you better watch your back, because I will make sure that she knows what a mistake she made leaving me for you. I will make you pay for everything, and there's no one who can stop me. You're just a pathetic replacement for her. You'll never be good enough for her. I hope you know what you're getting into with her. She's nothing but trouble, just like me. You should have stayed away from her, but it's too late now. You're both doomed, and I will enjoy every moment of your downfall."

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