About Malhotra Brothers

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Malhotra Brothers

Aarav Malhotra

Aarav Malhotra

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India's No.1 Trauma Surgeon
There was never a case he had lost,he is considered as Man with magical hands who could do miracles.

Administrator of "Life & Care Hospital"

Loves his brother's Omkara and Ruhaan like his own children,one is his soul and the other one is heartbeat
Can do anything for their happiness
Where Omkara is his Best friend with whom he shares everything on the other hand Ruhaan is like his child whom he wants to protect from cruel world

He is like a shell of coconut, tough from outside but softie from inside
For him family means everything ....

Omkara Malhotra

Among Top 5 Cardiac Surgeon in India at the age of 29

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Among Top 5 Cardiac Surgeon in India at the age of 29

He loves sketching and sculpting but does not believe of showcasing it but
Own's "Rhythm Art Galary" that was created on his bhai's advice to fund for the needs of needy ones

These sketching and sculpting is like expression of his emotions

Very soft hearted person but if someone tries to mess with him or his family than they'll see his wrath

Respect his elder brother Aarav a lot, his words are always final decision for omkara
His younger brother Ruhaan is his piece of heart whom he loves unconditionally they both are partner in crime
Saves his little one from his bhai's anger

Ruhaan Malhotra

Most pampered prince of Malhotra Mansion

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Most pampered prince of Malhotra Mansion

Has passion for music and wants to open his own music label
Is scarred to share about the same to his brother's Because he think may be he'll disappoint them if he choose any other stream as everyone in their family are well known doctors

Carefree, loves without condition,have heart of gold

His bhai is everything,he is like a Father figure for him
And even in his dreams doesn't want to disappoint him

His Big-B is his best friend and partner in crime with whom he shares everything (except his passion for music)

So here is more introduction about Malhotra Brothers
About their parents introduction it  will be after 1-2 chapters

In upcoming will update more About other characters which are yet to be introduced
Their past and many more

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Next update will be only after vote and comment target is completed on both chapters

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