Chapter 2

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He walks down the corridor with heaviness. His eyes still close out of inertia because it is so early in the morning. He clears his eyes, looking at the clock on the wall. It is circular, red in color and the numbers are large and black. 6AM. He doesn't know why Vegas always had to get up so early and make so much noise.

"What are you looking for?" he asks, softly and fearfully, watching the alpha walk all over the small kitchen.

The red-haired man looks startled. He just stops his footsteps and turns to look at him over his shoulder.

"Go back to bed. It's too early for you."

"You woke me up, I'm not sleepy anymore" he lies, hiding a yawn behind his hand.

The alpha nods, going back to his work of, apparently, rummaging through the entire kitchen.

"What are you looking for?" The omega repeated to him, a little louder.

"Have you seen the blue fret, big one?"

"It must be in the room or your school bag" he shrugs his shoulders, speaking with a bit of obviousness.

"Okay. Have breakfast" he points to an apple on the table. It's the only thing there.

"What?" he walks over to it, grabs it twirls it in his hands. "I won't fill up on this, Vegas."

The alpha takes it from him, biting it.

"That's not my fucking problem" and hands it back to him.

Did no one teach him manners, his mother, no one, Pete thinks. Then he remembers that his mother is alpha too, maybe that's why he was raised to be this brutish.

Pete looks at the yellow apple in his hands, with a big bite out of the side. He sighs, biting into it gently, with no other choice. He sits at the table, listening as Vegas talked to someone on the phone, he sounds cheerful and even thinks he hears him laughing. Something in her chest stirs, it's a hot feeling and she can't stand it. His omega is jealous. He breathes fast, biting down roughly on the apple. He feels pathetic at this moment. To calm himself, he pats his belly and half-smiles. He hoped his puppy would at least sweeten the alpha a little. He doubted it, though.

The chestnut walks in again, now he's hung up and his cell phone dancing through his fingers, in his left hand he has is trate he's been looking for so long.

"Who were you talking to?"

Shit, he says to himself. He wishes he hadn't. Nervous about the answer he'll get - if he's lucky - he fiddles with the stick sticking out of the fruit.

"Pete... I want to explain a couple of things to you," he says in our voice, sitting down in the chair opposite the omega.


"Okay, first: just because you're having my baby doesn't mean I have to explain to you what I do and don't do. okay?"

The chestnut nods, biting his lips and inwardly scolding himself for asking that stupid question.

"Second: just because you're having my child doesn't mean I'm your alpha and you're my omega either. okay?"

That was what hurt him the most. I wasn't looking for what to do. Whether to just nod in agreement or cry in front of him, to beg him to change his mind, pro no, what little dignity I had, I had to keep.

"Okay" his lips let out the answer, haltingly.

Satisfied with the answer, the alpha stands up, placing some fruit inside the fret, not without having washed it first.

"I'm off to school. I hope you're not late."

When he hears the front door close, he goes to the bathroom to wash up. He had to do it fast or he wouldn't make it. Vegas hadn't left him any money to take a truck or anything.

He dresses in his black pants, clinging to his legs. He's thankful his stomach isn't that big, so he could keep wearing his old clothes. He searches through Vegas' clothes for the smallest sweater. It fits him big so he decides to tuck it into his jeans. He puts on his sneakers, grabs his backpack and leaves for school.


"Pete!" an adorable little omega named Chay comes trotting up to him. She's a girl from his class and he likes her. "I've been looking all over for you, I asked Vegas for you and he said he didn't know."

"Here I am" he half smiles, hearing the red-haired man's name.

"I want to ask you a very big favor. I'm running late and I have painting class now."

"Sure, tell me."

"I need you to ask all the kids in the generation if they will be attending the dance or trip and if they will be bringing guest. Please."

"Yeah, I think I can handle that."

The boy kisses her cheeks in thanks and passes her a chart, on it were the names of everyone in the generation.

"You put a check mark for those who will attend and a cross out for those who won't, and if they are bringing guests you write "Yes" and the number, if not you leave them blank."

The chestnut nods, understanding correctly.

So he begins his work. He walks around the cafeteria, asking every boy and girl. Almost all of them will attend and would bring chaperones. He reads their name on the list and puts a checkmark in the "dance" box but in the "travel" box he doesn't know. Because he doesn't have the money to pay for it. She wants to ask her parents for the money as a gift, but she knows the grumpy guy she lives with wouldn't allow it. He sighs, making his way to the Vegas table with his friends.

"Hey, Pete. How are you?" Kinn asks him kindly. Despite being alpha, he was very nice people and always treated everyone gently. Porsche, his friend, was lucky with that alpha.

"Hello, Kinn. I'm fine, thank you" he replies in kind.

"Glad to hear that" he smiles, leaning his elbow on the table and resting his cheek on his fist "Ouch!"

Vegas kicks his ankle and looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you want?" the red-haired man asks, fiddling with his rings, not paying much attention to the omega.

"I was coming to ask if you'll be attending prom" the three of them, Kim, Kinn and Vegas nod. Pete notes on the sheet. "Will they be taking anyone?"

Pete is intrigued by the red-haired man's answer.

"A Porsche" Kinn replies, smiling.

"I'll go alone, like a dog" he says, with a fake cry. He gets a smack from Kinn on the back of the head.

"You, Vegas?"

He nods, as usual, ignoring him.

"How many people will it be?"


"Okay" he writes everything down on the sheet as well.

"For the trip?" Now only Kinn and Kim nod. Vegas denies. "That's it, see you later."

Now the omega leaves the cafeteria. He still reads missing a few of companions and his work would be done. If he's honest, he finds it entertaining.

"Pete, wait!" He hears Vegas' voice behind him and his footsteps stop. The alpha bumps into him.

"Fuck, are you okay?" There's not a hint of concern in his voice.


"Here," he hands her a bill. "It's for you to go home. I don't want you to leave there until I get there."

"But today I wanted to-"


"I'm not asking your permission" she crosses her arms over her stomach. Her baby was giving her confidence.

"I'm not asking you. You stay inside and that's it."

The alpha reaches out, running his fingers across the omega's tummy. Pete barely feels them brush against him. He turns away, walking to the cafeteria again.

Pete feels smoke coming out of his ears in rage, it was the fucking last straw, he wasn't his fucking prisoner to stay cooped up at home. He was 19, he's young and wants to hang out with his friends. Oh, and yes he would.

Come here and love me| VP (Omegaverse)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora