Chapter 3

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During the bus ride to the shopping plaza he was headed to, Pete kept thinking about the talk he had with Vegas. Was he such a bad omega? When he was younger, and up until a few months ago, his father had told him he'd make a good omega. He had wide hips for puppies and thick thighs, the alphas' favorite thing. Alphas loved omegas with meat to grab or bite from during their jealousy, they didn't want a scrawny, no joke omega. Pete had all that. Sometimes he thought Vegas was a special one and didn't like that type, like him. Although, if so, he wouldn't have called him to help him in his rut. And her thighs must not have been completely bruised from all the biting and squeezing he gave her either. She still thinks she has marks from that day, and it was just over four months ago.

Could it be that the Vegas alpha didn't feel anything when he had Pete around? Because, Pete did feel a lot. Even when they weren't close, his omega twisted in his chest to go in search of the alpha and see him for at least a second. When they were close, his omega squealed for the alpha's attention, and wouldn't stop until Vegas looked at him, even if only from the corner of his eye. The chestnut always found the taller one attractive, he'd see him around school and think he had a nice smile, because yes, he'd seen Vegas smile, but only with his friends. He had never felt the need to be around him all the time or at least have something that smelled like him to quench his thirst. He thinks it's the pregnancy that leaves him that way. Maybe the baby needed protection, more than it should.

The truck stops just outside the door of the mall. She makes her way to the restaurant section, where Porsche, her best friend, is waiting for her. He's a slim, somewhat dark-haired guy, he didn't have plump thighs or wide hips like Pete, but Kinn seemed to like him that way. That's why the brown-haired guy thinks Vegas was like him.

"Hey, Pete, how are you?" He's already at a table, alone and eating some Chinese food.

"Hey, Porsche. Kind of tired, how are you?"

"I'm fine thanks" he hands a plastic, white fork to Pete to eat too. "I thought you must be hungry."

And yes; very. The apple he ate in the morning hadn't been enough. His stomach was growling and burning to be filled with whatever it was.

"Quite a bit" he reveals, biting into some sweet and sour chicken with the tips of his fork.

"Y... How's life with Vegas, does he treat you well? Kinn says he's kind of rough on you."

What was I supposed to answer him, that the alpha was a fucking asshole to him, or that they barely and barely spoke?

"Yeah, he is. Quite a bit. But we don't usually talk much, you know, just enough."

"But, continuation with the alpha during pregnancy is important, Pete."

"When he's your alpha, maybe yes."

"Vegas is your alpha, Pete"

"No, Porsche" he shakes his head, soft. Playing with the long sleeves of Vegas' sweater. "He's not, he told me that today."

"But...if Pete wasn't your alpha, your pregnancy wouldn't go well at all."

"It's just...I'm sorry, okay, but Vegas isn't. He says not because we're having a baby, I'm his omega."

"He'll figure it out, Pete. Like I told you, he's a gross alpha."

"I don't want him to this or take care of my baby out of obligation. I want him to love him as his child, not just as a responsibility."

"I know. I don't want that either. But give him time, you'll see that little by little his head will clear and his heart, if he has one, will thaw."

"How-how will Ana's heart in frozen?" She asks, wiping her little tears with the fabric of her sweater.

"Just like that, Pete" she lets out a fond laugh, eating her rice.


Open the door, quietly. It's 8PM and he expects Pete to be here. He grunts when he sees all the lights off, and the omega hasn't peeked - like every day - through the kitchen doorway to see him and confirm that it was him who came into the house. He couldn't have been asleep, it was too early and Pete wouldn't sleep until Vegas was home. To check her suspicions, she runs to the bedroom and he's not there.

Crap. Okay, he had that the omega was stubborn and wouldn't listen to him. But it's too late now, and he thinks his outing must have been over. What if something had happened to him? His alpha began to howl inside him, desperate to have the omega here, now.

"He's not ours," Vegas tells him.



Bring. Now.


"Not ours, shut up!" he roars to himself, annoyed.

He looks on his cell phone and has no message from Pete. But of course, if he has no balance... and neither does he. Blessed omega asshole he ran into.

"Where the fuck were you?" She asks him when she sees him come in, shaking and with his school bag slung over his shoulder.

"I was out with Porsche" he sets the backpack down on the couch next to the red-haired man.

"I clearly told you to stay here, didn't I?"

"And I told you I was going out."

"It's not a fucking game of who beats who, Pete!" He yells at her, avoiding using his alpha voice. "You're pregnant, I should take better care of you."

"I know, I know I'm pregnant, dammit!"

"What if something happened to you? Some fucking infantile organ trafficking fucks could have kidnapped you."

"Why would it be infantile, though?" she squeaks, wiping her wet cheeks.

"Your organs are the same size as a five-year-old's. I bet if they put your brain in one that age there would be no problem, they think the same way" he laughs. "Have you seen your size? You're small!"

"Why are you like that!" She yells at him, kicking at the ground in a tantrum. "You're a stupid, big, stubborn alpha!" she likes his chest, making Vegas recoil but he and barely feels the blows. "I hate you, I hate you!"

He hates us. Your fault. Vegas's alpha claims him.

"You're always like this! You're an idiot alpha who thinks he's better than me just because he's omega!" he yells at him, angry and red-cheeked. "You're always saying what I do wrong and you never notice the good I do for you! I wash your fucking clothes, cook your dinner and serve you, will you stop seeing me as just your son's dumb incubator!" Now she bursts into tears.

With quick but heavy steps, she goes to the bedroom. Falling onto the bed, sobbing against her pillow.

"You need to calm down. Pregnancy has you like this."

"It doesn't, shit!" she uncovers her face "Even if I wasn't pregnant I would have told you all that!"

"If you weren't pregnant, you wouldn't be here" he says, serious. Grabbing a dry towel to shower.

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