Chapter 15

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- How's it going with Vegas? - Arm dips his spoon into the strawberry ice cream jar.

Pete shrugs his shoulders.

-He's been grumpy.

- Any particular reason?

-He's got a new job, at night. He doesn't sleep well and it makes him cranky.

-I can imagine.

- Also... yesterday the results came in from the local university.

- He wasn't accepted?

-He passed the exam but they didn't give him a place because they were over the limit. It sucked, that made it worse.

-I feel sorry for him.

-He's sad, even if he says otherwise.

It's been three weeks since they went on holiday. Kinn, Porsche and Khun were on the graduation trip, so the only friend available was Arm. His company was nice as Pete was having fun.

- What are they doing for the holidays?

- Probably nothing. Vegas is sure to work every day.

- What about you?

- I'm staying here with him. I don't want to go out and about while he's working day and night, literally. It's just not fair.

- Is he still going on about you not working?

- I can't do it now. I can hardly stand in one position for long, I get so tired and my back kills me.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- All right. It'll be worth it.

- Shit, this should be a surprise but.... Uncle Kan is organising a baby shower with my family. If they tell you, act surprised and don't say I screwed up.

- Really? -Smile. - Smile. - That's nice of him.

-He's like that.

They continue to talk about different things, Arm tells him about his plans for the holidays and says that if you like, you can join him. It's 7PM and Vegas arrives, looking tired and fed up with everything.

- What are you doing here? - No greeting or anything, just a hostile question to his cousin.

- Keeping Pete company, that's all.

- You can go now, then.

- Vegas, you don't have to be rude," the omega tells him, scolding him.

Not paying attention, the black-haired man goes to the kitchen to prepare some dinner.

- I'll leave you to it, Pete. See you later," he hugs him briefly, then leaves.

Sighing, Pete walks to the kitchen with swollen feet.

- You don't have to be like that with him.

- What was he doing here?

- He told you, he was just keeping me company.

- I don't want him to come when I'm not here.

- Vegas, look... - I don't like Arm, okay? I don't like Arm, okay? I like you.

- I know you do.

- Then why are you like this? - Raise your voice. - I agreed to be your omega, I agreed to let you tie the flower on my wrist, Vegas, why do you doubt me?

- I didn't doubt you.

- Don't trust me!

- It's not about whether I trust you or not, shit!

- Then what the fuck is it about!?!?

The alpha sighs, clutching the counter.

- I'm going to sleep - he puts away the things he was using before.

- We're out of vitamins.

Vegas takes money out of his pocket and puts it on the table, leaving.

Pete makes a noise with his mouth, taking the money. He goes to get his coat, which is in the living room, before leaving. He needed to distract himself.

At the super market he picks up a trolley to lean against and walk comfortably. Inside he puts flavoured milk, soya juice for Vegas and some bread for sandwiches. With everything ready, he goes to the cashier to pay. Putting everything on the black tape at the checkout, a car crashes into his.

- Sorry, it was an accident," a black-haired woman says. She looks to be the same age as him, or maybe a few months older.

- You're fine, don't worry," she smiles at him.

- Oh, God," she comes closer, opening her lips. - You're pregnant.

- I'm afraid so.

- It's lovely, how far along are you?

- Almost seven months.

- It's a boy, isn't it? -I can smell it. I've got a girl.

- He must be cute," he nods, beeping again.

- It's 15 and 20, mate," the cashier says, interrupting.

Pete pays and waits for change.

- See you around...

- Lamai - she says, holding out her hand.

Pete takes it, shaking it gently.

- Pete - says goodbye, taking his bags and leaving.


Once he has taken his vitamins and changed into his sleeping clothes, he enters the bed, lying down next to Vegas.

- Pete?

- Still sleeping, Vegas. It's still dark - he opens the alpha's arms to wrap himself in them.

He settles in snugly, against Vegas's warm body. He loves sleeping like this with him. When sleep finally begins to flood his body, he hears a sob next to him and, shit, it's Vegas.

- Vegas, are you okay, love?

- No-o.

- What's wrong? - he speaks to her lovingly, stroking her cheeks.

- It's just, I'm always an asshole to you and you're just so good.

- Hey, take it easy, love. You're fine now, work and uni have got you like this.

Vegas on his nose, nodding.

- Still, sorry.

- It's okay, Vegas, I'm not upset.

- And about Arm...

- We'll talk about that later. You need to rest now, okay?

- Okay - Pete's hands wipe away his tears.

- Why didn't you work today, though?

- They're fumigating the bar. I'll be back in two more days.

- You better. You deserve to rest.

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