Chapter 14

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- Vegas, would you please stop rubbing your fucking cock against my thigh?

- Mmm no - moan and bite the omega's slender shoulder.

- Your heat was two days ago.

- ¿Y?

Pete grins, squeezing the red-haired man's member, he moans.

- Do that again.

- Don't be disgusting! - he hits him. - Get up or get off me. We have to go to school, it's our last day.

- You go. I'm sick of all these people - He settles down, letting go of Pete and hugging his pillow.

- Come on, Vegas - he moves him. - Please.

- No.

- I count three.

- Up to a thousand if you want. I won't go.

- One.

- Get out of here.

- Dooos.

- You're unbearable - he stands, walking to the bathroom, Pete's laughter trailing behind him.

- Three - the omega closes the bathroom door behind him.


After a long - shared - shower, they both go out and get dressed for their last day of high school.

- I'm happy and sad at the same time," Pete clasps his hands together, walking down the halls, looking around.

- I hate everyone, so I'm happy," says Vegas next to him.

- You can't be so sour, Vegas," he hands him his backpack because his back has started to hurt. - You should appreciate the people God puts in your way.

- I appreciate the ones he takes from me more," he opens his locker, chewing the gum the brown man gave him on the bus.

- Ugh. Don't be like that," he pouts.

- I'm like that, I'm sorry, I can't change.

- Okay," he shrugs his shoulders, pulling a chocolate out of his backpack. - Are you going to work today?

- I'll stay home - he takes the chocolate from Pete and eats it, in one bite.

- Hey!

- Lots of sugar.

Everyone goes to their respective class, according to the class they were in. Pete shared that one with Khun. The black-haired boy was great company, especially when there was nothing to do. Since it was the last day, the teachers couldn't mark homework or do any activities. Grades were already given, or at least most of them were. Pete felt cold even though there wasn't any, but he wanted to feel the warmth of Vegas nearby. The teacher says they can go out and does whatever it takes, as long as they get out of school.

Pete, along with Khun go to the dining hall. Most of the seniors are there, all looking happy to finally be out of school.

- Is this when everyone starts dancing? - Arm arrives, smiling. - We're all in this together.

He sings, trying to do the final dance in High school musical.

- Don't be an idiot. Arm - Pete laughs. - Are you going to the dance tonight?

- Of course I am, my parents gave me permission because I'm passing algebra," hugs the omega. - Thanks a lot, Pete.

- You're welcome," he hugs him back.

- I want you away from my omega right now.

- Whatever you say, cuz," the blond alpha pulls away. Fluffing Pete's hair just to annoy the black-haired man.

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