Chapter 20

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She opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is Vegas asleep with Macao on his chest, also asleep. He strokes his son's hair before getting up to prepare breakfast. The clock says 10AM and he is grateful that the black-haired man had woken up the last time his son cried.

He makes ham and egg because he's too lazy to do anything else. He pours himself some, to eat before getting dressed. Today he was going for his paternity test results and they were going to leave Macao with his parents for a while.

- Then your dad said, "oh Vegas you're the most handsome man in the world, let's have babies together" and I had no choice but to accept - Vegas' voice rings out, amused. He walks into the kitchen, with Macao in his arms, drinking his bottle of milk.

- What the fuck are you talking about? - he laughs, taking a bite of his food.

-I tell our son how his creation came about.

-Don't be an idiot, he's two months old.

-Better early than never.

Pete rolls his eyes, standing up to serve Vegas his breakfast.

-Come on, baby," he takes Macao from the taller man's arms. - We let your father stuff himself like the pig he is.

- Can I stuff you later?

Pete blushes, covering his son's ears.

- Vegas! - he scolds him. - Not with Macao here.

He hears the brown-haired man let out a laugh and he goes to get ready and pack Macao's things. He changes his son's nappy for a clean, dry one. He dresses him in a long-sleeved blue jumpsuit with long sleeves and a blue cap with white stars on his head.

-You are the most beautiful baby," she kisses his cheeks, putting him in the cot to get dressed.

First he brushes his teeth and grooms himself well, then he chooses his clothes. A plain white t-shirt and his jeans, along with his usual black vans. Vegas enters the room, hugging him from behind, placing his nose on the not-yet-fully-healed mark.

-Vegas gasps, feeling the alpha's tongue run over the bite.

- Does it still hurt?

Pete denies, assuring him it was fine.

- Get dressed quickly, love. We have to leave Macau with my parents first.

- I don't want to leave him.

- Neither do I - he stuffs clean clothes and nappies into the baby's carrier. - But we can't take him to the hospital.

Vegas doesn't answer, just gets dressed.

- Have you ever seen a better looking baby? - Pete hugs Macao and then hands him to Vegas. The baby starts to cry when he stops feeling Pete. - Ow, easy, baby - he kisses his head and closes the door.

As Vegas' parents were away on a trip, they had left him the car to "babysit". Khan was very excited about Macau's arrival, so much so that he himself had bought and put in a special seat for the baby. So Vegas puts it there, buckling it securely.

- First to your parents' house, right?

- Yes, and hurry up, it's already late.

Vegas drives there, as usual Pete singing all the songs and complaining about people who couldn't drive.

They wave goodbye and say a quick goodbye to Pete's parents to get there on time. The alpha enters the office alone followed by the agent, who greets them both politely. Pete stands outside, waiting for the black-haired man. He doesn't know what's taking him so long, he even has time to read most of the information signs.

Vegas comes out, wiping his eyes and looking for the shorter man with his eyes.

- Vegas - he whispers, frowning. - Are you all right?

He nods, hugging the brown man's body.

- What happened, what did they say?

-I think... I think we'll have to get a bigger house and a child's bed," he says from around the omega's neck.

Pete smiles, hugging the alpha.


It took several weeks before Helena could go home with them. Pete fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. She was such a cute baby and crying for protection. Between the visits to the judge and with the lawyers she was present, it was almost two weeks where she gained "trust" with them enough to let them hold her without crying. Now they are driving home, with Macao in her special seat, Vegas at the wheel and Pete in the passenger seat, with the black-haired boy in her arms, sleeping. Both behind the seatbelt.

- Look at this! - Pete chews a piece of gum, reading the folder with Helena's papers. - It says here that she was born on September 22nd. It's like My twin!

Vegas rolls his eyes.

- It could be like that twin thing. - He opens his mouth - She could be my Hally!

Vegas sighs, touching his temples. Pete was a fucking kid.

- Have I told you you're ridiculous?

Pete laughs, nodding and making a bubblegum bomb.

- Every day.

- Well, you're welcome.

- You still love me - he croons.

- Yes, I do - and he takes advantage of the stoplight to kiss his omega's lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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