Chapter 18

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Pete was released from hospital a week after Macao's birth. They were both doing well and Pete was starting to recover very well thanks to the care his alpha was giving him.

It is now two months later. Macao's hair is dark. People were always making comments about how much hair the baby had. His eyes are still getting colour, and because Vegas and Pete notice, the right one is dark brown and the left one is light brown. Pete doesn't know if that's good or bad, but they make his baby look really cute.

Vegas' alpha has been very overprotective these days. All the time he keeps close to his family, alert for any threats. Pete loved it.

- I'm not going to become a fucking vegetarian! - The omega shouts, dressed in his pyjamas and walking into the room to see Macao, who had started to cry.

- I'm not asking you to do that! - Vegas says, just the same. - I just think you should eat more vegetables.

- I don't like them." From the cot, he lifts the baby, clutching him to his chest and cooing at him.

- I don't love them either. You should eat them, Pete. The doctor said they were good for you and Macao.

- Macao can't eat yet.

Vegas rolls his eyes.

- What I mean is, you're passing all your fucking nutrients to the kid through stupid breast-feeding.

- Ew, don't say that.

- Say what?

- Lactation. Sounds very ew.

- Okay, I won't say it again, but promise you'll eat more vegetables and less sweets. -Okay, I won't say it again, but promise you'll eat more vegetables and less sweets.

- I like sweets.

- I know, honey. But it's not healthy, not even for you.

- Okay, I will. - He sits on the bed, lifting up his T-shirt to feed Macao.

- Then I'll go buy stuff for lunch," he kisses Pete's head and squeezes, gently, the baby's cheek. - Don't miss me.

-I won't - says the chestnut, laughing.

When he thinks his baby has had enough, he settles him on his shoulder, listening to Macao whimper for more.

- Don't be like that. You're fat - he pats the baby's back to burp him. - You've had enough, love - Macao lets out a big breath and Pete laughs. - Ew, you're just like your father.

He puts him back in his original position, in his arms. In the past two months he's put on a lot of weight and grown about two centimetres.

- Don't grow up too fast-  he says to his baby, and he just yawns, sucking on his fists. - Come on, Macao. You'll watch some TV with me.

Pete always talked to his son when they were alone, he thought it was good, so he could identify his voice and recognise it easily.

- What do you think I should watch? - he sits on the couch, careful not to hurt himself or his little baby. - A film or a documentary? - Macao sneezes. - Movie it is.

He starts flipping through the channels, looking for something good. When he finally finds one that catches his attention, the door is knocked insistently. It should be Vegas, lately he's been forgetting his keys and his mobile phone at home. He settles Macao down, putting his face in the crook of his neck.

On tiptoe, he peers through the peephole in the door and frowns.

- Yes? - He opens the door.

Outside is a plump, dark-skinned woman, wearing a feminine suit and glasses perched on her nose.

- Good afternoon, is this the home of Mr. Vegas Theerapanyakul?

- Tell me he didn't hit anyone this time - she begs, her eyes closed.

Last month, on a visit to the supermarket, an alpha stared at Pete for longer than he should have, annoying Vegas so much that he punched him in the jaw. The black-haired man had gone to the police station for a whole day.

- Thank God, no - the woman cleared her throat. - Is he at home?

- He's out shopping, but if you'd like to come in, please.

Pete steps aside, squeezing his baby, protectively.

She thanks him, sitting down on the couches. He seemed kind, even praised her baby, saying it was very pretty.

- Are his eyes different? - she asks, from her place.

- Yes, it seems so... Can I get you something to drink?

- Water would be nice.

- Wait a moment.

The omega notices his sleeping baby, so he first takes him to his cot and then goes to the kitchen for the glass of water. Returning, the door opens and Vegas enters, bags in his hands, raising his arms as high as he can.

- I swear I didn't hit anyone this time!

Pete rolls his eyes, handing the glass to the woman. She takes a sip and laughs.

- Take it easy, kid. You're not in trouble.

Vegas exhales with bated breath. He apologises, saying he'll be back soon.

- What is it now? - He takes a seat, off to the side of his omega and in front of the lady.

- Okay - from a small bag, he pulls out a sizable photo. - Do you know this girl?

Pete frowns, looking at the photo. He'd seen her somewhere before, he'd never forget her black hair, but.... From where?

- Oh - the brown-haired man speaks. - I saw her in the supermarket once.

- What? - Vegas turns to look at him.

- It was a while ago.

- It must have been - the woman keeps the photo. - Lamai Saeli, originally from Tai Pei. 19 years old, omega - she says. -A week ago she was found dead in her flat in Bangkok.

- And... What have I got to do with it? - the alpha begins to despair.

Pete squeezes his hand, trying to calm him down.

- She signed, in a suicide letter, that she was leaving full custody of little Helena in your hands.

- Who is she?

- Helena Saeli. Lamai Saeli's only daughter." From the same bag, she pulls out a sheet of paper, apparently torn from a notebook. - It says right there that you are the father and the only way to save the child was this way. They lived with an alpha who mistreated them.

- She's not mine - he returns the letter, angry and wet-eyed. - She had an abortion.

- Apparently not, Master Vegas.

- Lamai has parents, let them have her - he blurts out rudely.

- Vegas, calm down - Pete places a hand on his chest, feeling his heart racing.

- That's possible, yes. After paternity tests, which you're obliged to do.

- They can't do that. It's my body.

- Look, sir, young man, whatever. I see you and your omega have a baby, okay? - Vegas nods. - I imagine you love them, more than anything in the world - The alpha nods again. - Imagine, little Helena is not her, but the baby. You don't know when she's suffered, but if the tests come back negative, you won't have lost or gained anything.

Vegas turns to Pete, who smiles and nods.

- He nods and smiles.

- Perfect - the brunette smiles, now pulling out other papers for the alpha to sign.

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