Part six: Meeting him (The necklace)

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"Oh my god.. oh my god.. You're a...!" "Shh!!!" as the male cupped her mouth and that got Riley to be shooked. "Mmmph! Mmmph! I can't breathe!"

"Oh, sorry! But still... shh yourself." As the two began to quiet down, and listen to the chatters of the partying people.

"If..if you don't mind me asking... what are you?" "Duh... I'm a mermaid. It's not rocket science, genius." "Okay, you're rude." "Ya, okay and just because I am doesn't mean you can tell on me on other people. You'll do what I ask you to, right?" as he looked in her eyes with a mesmerizing eyes.

"Yeah, I won't. don't worry about it, why are you here anyway?"

As that got the merman to stare at her weirdly. "Did that just happen just now?" "Did what just happen?" as the merman got quiet and said out. "Must be malfunction..."

"Huh?" "Look. In. my. Eyes. Now. Human. You are not to tell that you saw me. Is that clear?" "And I tell ya your secrets safe! Geez." As that got the merman to look at Riley with contempt.

"What in the world just happen?" as the young merman seems to lose it for a moment. "Hello Mr Merman? Can you let go of my mouth now?" "Oh, sorry..." as that gotten the merman to look at her with curiosity. "Who, are you?" as he asked her. "I'm... Riley? And you are?"

"Eriwe..." "Hi, nice to meet you, Mr Eriwe." As Riley smiled and held out her hand, waiting to shake his.

"Oh, this is a handshake, you just-" "I know! I know what a handshake is.. geez." "Okay, you're seriously one rude merman." "I doubt you'd met more of my species, Princess." "Seriously rude..." "Pfft.. I'm Eriwe of the seven seas, Prince Eriwe, the second of the third. Nice to meet you, human.. or.." as he winked at her.

"Did you just try to flirt with me?" as she chuckled. "Yeah, what's wrong with it? Did it work?" as he winked again. "Oh, my stomach... gimme a second."

As she held her stomach, laughing. "It's not that funny, human girl." "Oh, my gosh... gimme a sec... phew... okay, I'm good." "Took ya quite a while.." as he said sitting sour-faced. His tail moving back and forth. "Haha... sorry... but how'd you know how to speak Korean so fluently? I'm surprised by that little surprise."

"Oh, my ancestors used to live there before we relocated, you know? Bigger house?" "Rich people problems? Fishes has standards too?" "Hell Yeah! You see, how am my father going to appease his mistresses if he doesn't buy all of them big castles?" "Wait... for each of them..?" as Riley sat nearer to him. "Yeah.. I'm always the overlooked one, my brothers and sisters are the smart ones, and I'm just... there... so sometimes when my bodyguard isn't looking, I went up for some air, to get my mind off things, which saying up I gotta get going now, before they notices;

"Bye." As he turned to the ocean. "W-wait!" "Hmm?" as he looked back at her with a concerned gaze. "Will I meet you again?" "Most likely... maybe, maybe not..." as he saw Riley looking down the sand, looking sad. "Okay, here;" as he gave her a necklace, a necklace with an old golden seashell. "Carry it with you at all times, that way, you'll always be with me." "This necklace..." "Is a royal necklace that only the royal of the mermaids owned. There are only two in existence. "But... this is..." "Oh, I gotta go, remember; keep it with you at all times. As he walked towards the ocean. "Okay... mum..." 

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