Part nineteen: Getting ready for the date

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Morning arrived:

As Riley woke up feeling refreshed, she called out to her friend;

"Smash, I'm going out for a bit, I'm running a few errands." "Ooh...I smell fishy 'errands', could it be with Eriwe shi?" As Smash said out, making Riley smile. "Okay, you got me, he's waiting outside our hotel." "Oooh... girl! give me details!" as she sat down the bed. "No time, I gotta get ready. I don't know when he's coming- *Triing* (signifies the phone had receives a message.) 'I'll be here in 30 min, I'll be waiting at your lobby. '

As Riley looks at her phone, while smiling slightly to herself. "Hello? Earth to Riley? why are you smiling so much?...Unless..." "HEY!" as Smash snatched Riley's cellphone and read it. 'I'll be here in 30 min, I'll be waiting at your lobby, huh?  As Smash giggles.

"Ooh...girl, you got it bad for him, I mean who wouldn't. I'm happy for you, Riley" As Smash hugged Riley. "Oh, hey if he's got a brother... or a cousin, introduce them to me, good? heheh." as Smash chuckles. "Ya, sure Sam. Ooh, no time! gotta get ready!" As Riley zoomed into the bathroom and went ahead and showered. "Pfft."

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