Part twenty five: Why we part (Part two)

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"Armagonis La Ziadan... and Emera Nai Liana," that's what my memory  tells of me. "Ughh..."

flashback: "Hey, Emera! catch this!" "I got it, I got it!" as the young Lady watches over her child playing with other children around  her land. "Baby, don't fall now."  as her mother saw her falling, unbeknownst to her warning just a second before. "Now, what I tell you, precious?" "Mama, I fell..." as she rubbed her grubby hands all over her dress. "I'm okay now!" as she kept playing with the others, as her mother shook her head, knowingly smiling.

"Riley...?" "Ughh..." flashback: "No! Not the child- she's innocent!" as Riley remembers being in her mother's hand, in her embrace. "That child is a freak! an abomination! we must get rid of her, either you. or me. what's it going to be, Armagonis?" "At least spare me a moment with her- "No. not even a little chance. she must be killed. ' As the triton positioned towards her, cackling with pure power, waiting to hit the innocent princess. "STOP! Please... I'll do it..." "Good." You have until sundown to be rid of her. you will thank me later." "...Yes, father." as her tears fell down the floor.

"I, am Princess Emera, Lady Armagonis's daughter." as Eriwe stared at her, like he couldn't believe the girl in front of her was. "I... Princess Emera... Riley, you got your memory back! I'm glad this happened!" as the two hugged tightly, causing the girl to blush red. "Eriwe! I'm good now, can you let go?" "Oh, my bad." as Eriwe looked at the blushing Riley. "Wait a second... are you embarrassed?" "No..." as she hid her head. "Do too! so I'm going to do it again," "Hey!" hahaha, that tickles, stop!" as the two tickled each other until the girl went red in her ears.

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