part twenty: On a swimming date (part one)

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30 minutes later after getting ready*

"Hey Smash? do you think this... or this works...?" As Riley shows two of her dressses to Smash "Hmm.. the gold and black one screams night club dress while the pink one goes with anything... so pink it is, mhmm." As finally Chaeyoung  gave the 'OK'.

*Phone beeps in distance*

"Oh, no! my alarm, it's time... gosh Sam, I'm nervous." *momentary realization* ' Aughh! why am I so nervous for Eriwe?!' "You'll do fine, but one advice for you, don't play hard to get, just don't... you can't pull it off." "Hey... that's mean, what's wrong with my game?" "Ehh... it's bad. just bad....Seriously. come on, come on, just do what I say and you'll be fine. Time to go!" as Smash ushered Riley to go out and run her errand.

*Beep* as her phone rang again signifying a message is received. 'I'm already here, I'll wait for you at the lobby, just reminding you.' as she smiled looking at the message, and types back; 'Gotcha, I'm on the way downstairs. see you there.' 

Telephatic communication:

"Phew.. even though we have telephaty, we still have to thank the wonders of a cellphone, hahaha." whispers* "Seriously, Eriwe?" "What? I like telephaty, it's more private, and hot." "What the heck, weirdo?!" as Riley laughed at his bad joke. "Whatever, Riley, now where are you? I can't see-" as he saw Riley from a distance. "Oh! never mind, there you are."

"Hi, Eriwe-" "Oh, Riley, fancy meeting you downstairs!" as Kai spotted Riley and tries to start a conversation with her, as that gotten Eriwe to be sour faced, and went into action.

"Hi... Kai shi." "You look so beautiful today, care to tell me where are you heading?" "Actually.. *Looking for Eriwe, as she spotted him* "I'm just hanging with my boyfriend, Eriwe." "Well, in a way, I don't see him, so why don't you hang out with me?" as Kai smiled, which, gotten Riley to really look at Kai. 'He really is handsome, but why is he out for me?'  "Dude, hands off my girl." As Eriwe told Kai off and shoved his hands away from Riley's shoulder. "Oh, my bad then," as he rolled his eyes and smirked. "Bye, Rile" as Kai walked away from the two.

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