blossoming dreams

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"hey Shawn what are we doing today" Kai asks. "Nothing actually you all have a free day no chores errands or anything else you can all take a break" they all cheer, as this was a first in a while since they had a break from doing things. With them no longer going on adventures as the prophecy was over and they were brought back the loop was over and they just got to live their lives.

They've been going around and helping around as much as they can. "Great I was planning on sleeping any way that weird song returned and I've been really tired" Lukas stretches before heading back upstairs.

He lays down and hears the Harmonious song again it was putting him to sleep and he was fine with this. But he didn't know it was also putting the others to sleep.

The rustling of leaves, wake Lukas he sits up looking around. This place was odd, he was in a cherry blossom forest. "Where am I how did I get here" Lukas scratches the back of his head suddenly feeling a sharp pain back there.

He moves his hand away and sees blood on his hand. Lukas looks at the blood horrified. He reaches back there again and felt the blood, along with the pain. "Where the hell"

He suddenly felt a soothing feeling, he turns around seeing Destiny. "Yeah sorry about that but when I found you you seemed to have been in a state where you had no control over yourself you were in your shadow apparition, and attacked me I had to knock you out" Lukas was still confused and the pain wasn't getting any better.

"What really I can't remember any of that, but do you remember how we got here cause weren't we in the library before" Lukas asked before looking around again. "No I don't remember how we got here"

Suddenly everything shifts and Lukas finds himself sitting in front of Kai who was fighting of a large monster. It took a second for Lukas to collect himself but jumps to help Kai. Kai deflects an attack and throws on of his daggers. He spends by grabbing the dagger and tossing at the monsters eye.

Lukas with his blade cuts on of its legs causing it to fall over. This monster lays there staring at them before grabbing Kai and throwing him right at Lukas.

"Oh sh-" Kai slams right into Lukas both getting thrown into a tree. Lukas stands shaking his head. He grabs a totem and chants the ruins on them before tossing itat the monster. A golem appears and fights the monster.

Lukas felt light headed, Destiny hadn't fully healed his head injury and Kai slamming into him wasn't helping. Kai rushes past Lukas with speed slamming one dagger into the monster. The monster falls back and before it can hit the ground it burst into cherry blossom petals.

Lukas walks over picking up the stone totem. "hey Kai I just realized you were only using one dagger why" Lukas asked. "oh I guess when Fabian took it for a while I just forgot about it which is odd as I didn't really use my daggers in any fights we mostly just ran away" Kai replied.

"Infact I should be asking the same you haven't used your golems since way back" Kai said trying to even the field. "Oh well I guess I kinda forgot about them there were so many things happeni, back then then crystal waters then the war" Lukas was kinda embarrassed to admit that he had completely forgotten about the golems.

"Speaking of which this has nothing to do with our current conversation, but do you know how we got here" Lukas asked. "ya know now that you say that no I don't"

Lukas sighs. "Great so we have no idea where we are and we have no idea where any of our friends are, just great" Lukas sits down and thinks. "Oh come on lighten up will ya it's not a total lost I say smoke coming from a valley in this direction, theres probably something or someone there"

"Great idea go to the random smoke and hope the thing there is safe" Lukas said in a snarky way. "You got a better idea or you just gonna sit there a question me"

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