the cherry blossom

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Petals fall as the day breaks or well changes as there is only night and day. The group is huddled up in a small camp. As they can only travel so far on foot, they would use the purple dragon but it hasn't learned to fly properly yet and snow is currently in reality.

So there stuck walking for awhile. Lukas throws his blade it hits a tree and gets stuck. Kai lands on his blade stuck on to the tree. "We start training and the first thing you do is throw your only weapon to the enemy" Lukas shifts his hand into a blade. "not my only weapon"

Lukas fades into the shade. Reappearing behind Kai, but Kai saw this coming, as there was one of his daggers behind Lukas when he appeared behind him, so Kai was able to move behind Lukas and use his own move against him.

Lukas catches the dagger injuring himself. "I keep forgetting getting your daggers are enchanted" Lukas let's go of the dagger before jumping back getting away from Kai. Kai pulls his dagger out from the tree before throwing it at Lukas.

Lukas catches it but before Kai can use it to get close, Lukas throws it into the ground in the middle, ot between them. Kai swiftly moves and grabs his dagger before tossing another to Lukas but as the dagger flies, Kai follows it.

Lukas decided to not catch the dagger but catch kais attack. He grabs Kai and throw him against a tree. Kai stands up summoning his dagger back a trick he picked up from Shawn after Fabian stole it.

He walks towards Lukas. Lukas stand his ground going on the defensive. Kai rushes towards his throwing both of his daggers this time. Lukas catches both but leaves himself open for another attack. Kai pulls out the pistol and holds it to Lukas's head.

"Ha I win" Kai puts the pistol away and takes his daggers back. "Fine you won't this time, just like the first time we fought"

"What you still holding a grudge about that I though were became good friends" Lukas cleans off some of the red petals. "We did but that doesn't mean I can hold a grudge even if it's been like two years" both head back to the camp.

"Hey why do you still have the pistol we all kinda left our weapons behind after crystal water" Kai put the pistol away. "Well because I think every weapon is versatile, plus it could come in hand later"

"It's been like a year since our adventure in crystal waters and you never used it" lukas has a point. "Well I never said when it could come in handy just that it could" Lukas stare at him blankly. "Alright what ever you say just don't shoot any of us"

"Why would I" Lukas had already walked off. "Just a saying" Lukas shouted, Kai follow behind. 

Alex has wondered off and meet up with the two. Because he was bored and wanted to find something interesting he didn't find anything. "Ya know there is really nothing fun in this dreamscape only a couple of monsters here and there, but other then that nothing really interesting" Alex kicked a rock, before kicking another, which ended up fitting a part of the mountain.

The mountains shakes and cracks. All three look up the the shaking mountain, before looking at Alex. "I didn't do anything" the ground shakes, and the mountain breaks open.

"When things shake that's never good" a large branch sprouts from the mountain, like 100x large then a normal tree branch. Large petals sprout from the branch. The mountain breaks open some more causing rocks and boulders to fall. "we need to find cover now"

The rocks fell to fast. Destiny rushes to the three vmcrsating a protective shield that kept them safe. Rocks crashes into the shield breaking it. More and more fell and hit. A much larger boulder was falling. "If that thing hits the shield I don't think it'll stand.".

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