lost memories.

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Lukas jumps catching Destiny as she gets thrown across the room. Lukas places her down and instantly puts up a defensive pose as something rams into him throwing him back.

"Sorry Lukas, just keep on going with the practice dummy" Jasper shouts from across the room. "Ya know for a practice dummy it sure is fast as hell, and can really throw a-" Lukas thought about it for a second. "A punch?" He said unsure.

The dummy rushes up as it rams into Lukas again. Lukas catches it this time and pulls out his blade the dummy quickly falls apart. Destiny looks over to Jasper. "Hey what happened" she asked.

"Huh oh sorry, I guess I zoned out and lost concentration, sorry" Jasper says scratch the back of his head. "Well thank God it's over the dummy knee how to cause pain, I'm kinda embarrassed I was able to fight off the jester in our first fight, but I can't fight a practice dummy?" Lukas asked confused.

"Well that's because the practice dummy was being controlled by me, we have all seen how you fight so I just used your past battles to find weak spots in your fighting, to land stronger attacks" Jasper said. "Huh okay well then I guess it's Kai turns" Destiny says looking over to Kai who has a bag of popcorn. "Aw come on I just finished heating this bag I was gonna watch Lukas get beat up by a dummy" Kai complained.

Lukas walks over and takes the bag of popcorn. "Well then I guess I'll be watching, try not to get beat up so quickly I want this fight to last a little" Lukas said with a smirk. Kai glares at him. "Ugh fine"

Jasper reconstructs the dummy as he stares Kai down. "When ever you're ready Kai" Jasper shouts from behind the dummy. Kai sighs, getting ready himself. "Ready" Kai says. The dummy instantly charged for Kai.

Destiny walks over to Jasper. "alright Destiny if you do the honors" Destiny smiles before placing her hand on the floor just a little behind her. She cast a wind spell that sent her flying across the room. "Alright now Kai catch Destiny" jasper shouts.

Kai kicks the dummy back before jumping and diving for Destiny, almost catching her but missing in the end as he lands face first on the floor. Destiny cast another wind spell to stop herself. "Yeah make sure when someone is actually being thrown across a room you catch them" Destiny teased.

Kai pushes himself back up. "Oh shut up" Kai says, before the practice dummy comes flying right at him again. He catches it picks it up and throws it to ground breaking it. "Huh good job Kai" Jasper says giving Kai the thumbs up"

"Oh come on that was way too short I was hoping for a longer fight" Kai looks over to Lukas as he steps over grabbing the popcorn. "This is mine" Kai takes the bag and goes upstairs.

Destiny was chatting with Jasper, about the statistics of the practice. "Okay so Lukas was able to catch me, but then again we technically didn't finish the practice as the dummy fell apart. And Kai failed the catch but was able to defeat the dummy so I call it a 50/50 on both sides" Destiny says before looking at Luka who looked sad.

"What's up with you" Lukas looks up to look at Destiny. "He stole the popcorn" Lukas said like a child. "Technically you stole it first" Destiny says.

"Hey you're supposed to be on my side" Lukas said easily. "Oh stop with the sad act" Lukas goes back to normal looking at Destiny narrowed eyed. "Fine be like that then" Lukas heads upstairs.

Destiny sighs before looking back at Jasper who was looking at the scar on his hand. "Ya know you can tell me what's wrong" Destiny's snapping Jasper out of his daze. "Huh oh it's nothing really, just old memories that's it thanks for asking" Jasper sounded sad.

"Jasper I didn't ask what was wrong I said it's alright to talk, did you hear something else" Jasper grabs his hat before he disappearss into it.

Destiny sighs, she decides to drop it Jasper didn't want to take so she wouldn't push it. A gun shit rang through the library. Shawn quickly run out of his office. "What happened" he shouts.

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