unfolded secrets

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"kai this was a terrible idea why would you anger the giant snake spider monster" Lukas jumps is over a dead tree. "I was just trying to get some of its venom"

"It's a giant snake spider, how dangerous do you think that venom is going to be" Kai throws a fire ball at it. Which only angers it even more. "Good idea let's get even more angry, got any better ideas"

"Oh cut your sarcasm" Lukas turns around and shifts into his shadow form. Using this form he takes a hit from the snake spider monster. He jumps on its back and grabs his blade and stabs it into its head. The monster falls and becomes a pile of petals.

"You could have at least waited for me to get the venom before killing it" Lukas snacks Kai on the back do the head. "Why do you even want the venom" Kai stand up dusting himself off. "That's for me to know and you to never find out" Lukas holds his hand up in a choking representation. Before sighing and calming down. "Let's just get back to Destiny and Alex"

Lukas shifts back and pushes some leaves back. He moves his hand just in time for Kai to be behind him so when he moves his hand the lead swings back and hits Kai in the face, and well it does. "Ow what the hell dude"

"Hahaha that was the funniest sh-" Lukas suddenly falls over. Kai walks over. "you alright" there was only muffled talk. Lukas pushes himself up before dusting himself off. "Yeah just had a sudden jolt of pain, these wounds haven't fully healed yet there pretty deep"

They make it back to camp, Lukas sees a travelling merchant who had stopped nearby talking with Destiny. "Wait how did the merchant find that camp was like really far from where he set up his shop." Kai pushes past the leaves. "Huh that's what you care about, because I thought you'd care more about the travelling merchant flirting with her, luckily Destiny is very oblivious"

"Wait what" Lukas looks over and it was as clear as day. Lukas draws his blade. Kai grabs him and holds him back. "Look Destiny can handle this just find" Lukas tries to break free from Kai's clutches but was unable to. "Let me go I'm going to kill him"

Kai drags Lukas away. The travelling merchant had finally left. "Ugh I hated every second of that he wouldn't stop flirting, anyway are Lukas and Kai back" Destiny turns around to see Kai holding Lukas back.

"I would question it but, I'm not going to" Destiny puts the fire out. "Alright you three let's get a move on we should explore more of this part of the dreamscape. Theres probably more villages, let's just hope they're more friendly" Kai let's go of Lukas and Lukas falls to the floor. "Keep yourself normal will yeah"

Lukas stands and dust himself off. "Stop dropping me I keep on having to dust myself off" Lukas rushes to catch up with them. "Then stop falling" Lukas stares at Kai. Kai chuckles. "You little piece of sh-" Kai smacks him in the head. "Keep those words for later"

Snow was sleeping so they couldn't really use her to get around. So they were just going on foot. "Hey Destiny you've learned a lot about magic is there anything else you know about blood magic" Destiny thought about it for awhile. "Didn't you also learn about blood magic Shawn taught both of us"

"Well yeah but I never really paid attention" Lukas laughs nervously. "Well first you need well blood obviously, blood magic is one of if not the strongest magic when it was still around, and the most dangerous at that, cause if you didn't have the essence like the jester had then you'd have to uses some of your essence to even cast a simple blood spell, not to mention that they have a variety of abilities when using blood magic, and that simply being hit by a simple spell from blood magic will cause great harm"

The day had already become night, night came a lot earlier and lasted a lot longer, which wasn't really good as in the dark they couldn't see much, it was when they were the most vulnerable. "Alex you've been here longer than any of us, has the jester always been here" Alex thought about it for a little bit. "No I've only just now found out about him with our earlier encounters"

The Realms: The VesselsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora