the past

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Jasper, moves past a large golem, grabbing onto it and throwing it into a wall. Jasper was using a sword. He strikes another golem cutting right through it.

"Ava hurry up, you're not going to make it" Jasper looks up to a girl who was flying around above him. "I know just give me a moment, there not exactly giving me, any chances to fly through"

Jasper sees a golem attack from behind. Jasper holds up his hand chanting some words as the golem instantly melts into a puddle of magma. Jasper turns around and summons a large boulder that breaks into many pieces, they fly right towards a golem and as they strike it, pieces of the golem break off until it's no more.

"Ava just go you have to reach it before it gets too close" Ava looks down nodding. She flies off. another smaller golem, clashes weapons with Jasper. "Huh it feels like I've done this before" Jasper struck the, golem as it breaks apart. Jasper looks up to Ava as she flies up a large building flying straight up.

Jasper see something at the corner of his eye. He sees a wizard, he was chanting some words holding his hand up at Ava. Jasper grabs his blade and rushes for the wizard. The wizard creates a shield protecting himself from Jasper.

Jasper wasn't paying attention, but his attention snapped to Ava as he heard her scream. He looks up to see she had been impaled with a large rock spear. Her wings had been hit as well. "AVA!"

This all felt familiar to jasper but there was not I'm to think. He rushes to the falling Ava, catching her before she could hit the ground. "Ava it's going to be alright I'll go get help."

"Jasper the wizard is getting away you have to go after him" Ava suggests. "I can't leave you like this, you'll die if it's impaling you through the chest" Ava looks at the wound she had. "Don't worry just go after the wizard."

Jasper let's out a tear before leaving Ava and rushing after the wizard. The wizard turns around only to be killed by Jasper. Jasper pulls out his blade, and he stares at the bloody blade. "Haha guess I made you kill, took you long enough all it took was to kill some close to you" the wizard laughs.

Jasper rushes to Ava. "Ava hey it's alright I'll go get help" Ava looks up at Jasper. "You need to take that stupid hat of yours and leave this dimension" Jasper stares at her with tears in his eyes. "How did you, I never told you"

"It wasn't too hard to figure out, but you need to leave, the rift is getting bigger and it'll start collapsing on itself, you need to leave" Ava demanded. "No I can't leave you"

Ava takes his hat and looks at it, she looks back up and sees as the rift starts opening up. Jasper helps Ava up. Ava looks at the hat before tossing it as the hat becomes a portal.

"See ya Jasper maybe Thai could have ended better" Ava pushes Jasper into the portal. Jasper sees as the collapsing realm consumes her. Lukas lands in a desert he looks at his hat before the portal closes.

Jasper stands, he looks back to when Ava was hit, he then sees Kim, who was also hit but luckily she was hit in a not too vital area.

Jasper opens his eyes with tears falling down them. He sits up in his bed. "That wasn't a dream, I thought I repressed most of those memories why are they back" Jasper looks up to see Kim who was still laying in her bed she was still out cold. Jasper had stayed with her.

"I- I wish I didn't have to relive those emotions I felt that day, why- why did it have to happen to you as well, why did it have to happen to her" Jasper cried, placing his head on the bed. "Kim please wake up, I can't lose you too, not after everything, that happened in crystal water, Centaris, and the dreamscape"

Jasper hears a knock on the door, this snaps him out of his thoughts. He wiped his tears and walked over to the door. He opened it to see Destiny and Lukas. "Hey you two how are you"

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