split up

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Lukas gets thrown into a cell hitting the ground letting out a grunt as he slides and hits the wall. "Ya, know you could be more  gentle next time" Lukas stand up he's hands were cuffed and these cuffs were created from light so he was unable to shift and phase through them.

"Great now I'm trapped with no possible way of getting out just my luck last time I'm listening to Kai" Lukas sits down he could only wait.

Destiny looks through a closet. "Where is it it should be here somewhere" Destiny says still looking through the closet. "What are you doing" Kai asked.

"Well since you're at the moment a wanted person I thought I'd repay a favor long over due." Destiny pulls out a necklace. "Is that"

"Yup it is out it on" Destiny cut Kai off giving him the necklace. "How do you even remember this" Kai questioned.

"For get that just put it on" Destiny says. Kai sighs before putting on the necklace his inter appearance changes.

"There now no one will recognize you" Destiny walks away. "Huh it's been awhile since I've seen these especially since the last time we used these was during the dragon glider festival" Kai holds the necklace up to his face before letting go. He just simply walks away.

Kai had left the library to go look around the kingdom the necklace worked perfectly he wasn't any were close to being caught.

Kai walks into the town square the place was flourishing, markets at every corner people walking around carts with fruits and items. "Well this place seems popular" Kai continues walking but then he heard a singing.

He pushes pass some people until he reaches about the front row, there was a lady singing on a stage people were cheering and listening to her.

"Wait a minute this sound I've heard it before" Kai listen carefully he figured it out, the woman singing the sound she made, fox demons are the only demons able to produce a sound like this. Kai looks at the lady her. He could tell she was a demon just like him but she was a fox demon.

"I haven't seen one of them in ages not since I was a kid" Kai continues to step forward. He takes a step forward. Ad suddenly screaming is heard.

Kai looks to where it was coming from, a large demon had broken into the kingdom, guards were trying to neutralize it.

Kai looks back seeing the lady staring right at him with a confused look. They both knew each other was a demon.

The guards bring a out a ln odd item it was a big horn. The lady jumps down from the stage. "Quick we need to move that horn will disrupt both of our disguises" the lady grabs kai and drags him into the alley way.

The horn is blown and a small burst of energy is given off. Kai's disguises disappears and so does the lady's. "You really are a fox demon but how, fox demons don't live anywhere near human and magic holders." Kai questioned the woman.

"I'm only here because this kingdom has pushed me out of my home I've had to hide among these people to survive" the lady says peeking over the wall.

"Alright we should get moving they captured the demon" the lady walsl deeper into the alley way.

"Wait what's your name" Kai asked. "I'm Kiki nice to meet you" Kiki holds out her hand. "I'm Kai nice to meet you" Kai takes her hand shaking it.

"Nice to meet ya kid huh ya know there's this smell on you, have you been hanging around magic users you do know that's dangerous" kiki stares at him trying to put things together.

"Uh yeah I have some friends, ya know they don't know that I'm a demon though so it's fine" Kai said nervously. "Alright whatever you say, oh were here" Kiki says. Kai looks up seeing a dead end.

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