Never changing

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"so Kai what do you suppose we do , to find the others" Lukas asked. "I'm not sure we have no idea where they could possibly be and where to start" they continue walking until they reach the smoke.

Lukas walks over seeing it was a fire, and two tents around the area. "Huh a campsite" Lukas searches around the area, and eventually looks into the tent. He stares at something in the tent horrified. "Kai I think you might want to see this"

Kai walks over looking into the tent where they see a demon kid. What was even worse is the fact that there was a dead body, and flower petals all around the body the petals a dark red color.

The demon kid looks over with the flower petals In its mouth. Was it eating the body. Kai stares at the child staring into its eyes. The demon kid stares back. "What's your name kid" Kai asked. The kid stares at Kai then at Lukas.

He turns to kai.n"my name is Alex." The child replies. "Why are you eating flowers" the child stares at the two with a confused look. "Flowers I have no idea what your talking about, oh wait you were brought here by the vessel weren't you"

"Yes why" the child laughs. "Oh because when You're brought into this world by lady Harmony you're censored from the true cruelty of this never changing world. Any blood or injuries are covered with these red petals." Kai realized what that meant. "Wait those that mean"

"Yup I'm eating the guy hey when you're a person who happens to find their way here without lady Harmony's permission, you're limited to what you have, I had to do, so I could survive" the child goes back to eating.

They hear a rumbling sound. "Looks like her followers aren't very happy" Alex said. "What do you mean followers" Alex points to the woods.

Multiple people on horses appear. "The three of you stand down and drop your weapons. Lukas draws his blade. And Kai grabs his daggers. Lukas makes the first move appearing behind one of the men and striking them.

The man turns around and strikes Lukas with a black blade. "Now show your true form your form cannot be hidden by lady Harmony's magic.

Lukas holds the cut. "Damn it this is who I am, damn ass" the man strikes again. Lukas dodges and does a counter attack. He holds up his hand and chants a word lighting flies out from his hand hitting the man throwing him off his horse.

The other men ride in and attack. Kai throws a dagger and it hits the man on the shoulder, he speeds past and gets up close to the man. He pushes the guy off the horse. The last guy rushes for Alex. Alex smiles before moving to the side as the man rides past him.

The man turns back looking at the child not paying attention to what's in front of him when he turns back there a large monster. It strikes the man. Alex watches as the guy is being attacked. Alex looks back at the other two. "I suppose it's our Best intention to run" they decide to listen that all run from the camp.

They had ran for a while. "Hey kid do you know how long night lasts." Kai asked. "Hmm oh yeah it's like any other, night last for 12 hours and day last the same time, except there no other time other then day and night, no morning, no dawn, no afternoon, just day and night"

"Huh odd why would the vessel chose that" Alex turns around walking backwards. "Because it was she finds the most perfect you see Harmony is the most selfish of the four only really caring about herself this world of Harmony is made for her and her alone no one else."

"Ya know kid you sure know a lot, how?" Alex looks up at the night sky. "Well I've been here for 5 years, I'm not sure what's going on in the real world, right now as the last thing I remember is waking up I can't remember anything past that moment which is so odd" Lukas looks into the forest feeling as if something is watching them.

The Realms: The VesselsWhere stories live. Discover now