The Grand jester pt.2

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"Harmony drop the petals" Destiny demanded. "And why should I listen to you I'm enjoying this show" Harmony chuckles.

Lukas and the jester circle the area, making sure to not look away from each other. "Hey why don't we call it quits" the jester attacks striking Lukas in the arm. Lukas dodges and strikes back hitting the jester in arm. "Look put down your weapon and let us leave"

"How about no" the jester slams the side of his scythe into a tree petals fall, many petals fall. Blocking Lukas's vision. "where did all these leaves come from" the jester appears behind Lukas and strikes him from behind.

Lukas grabs the scythe hurting himself in the process. "I wont fall for it twice" Lukas places his blade down. "What gives up" Lukas smiles. "No just going with a different idea" Lukas reaches for a stick. "What's that going to do, you gonna poke me"

"No this is just its dormant state" the stick turns into a battle axe. "I have to admit the best thing I bought back in crystal waters" Lukas throws it, and picks up his blade before rushing at the jester.

The jester deflected the axe but didn't see Lukas coming for another attack. Lukas strikes cutting the jester's eyes Blinding him. "Ha how's that" the jester holds his hand over his eyes. "I'll make you pay for that"

"Stop jester, this fight is over" Harmony drops the petals and walks towards the two. "You did well jester, for now we'll take out leave, I'll fix your eyes" petals Storm around the two before they disappear.

"Well that was surely something" Lukas stares at the red petals on the floor then to the ones on his blade. "we should keep moving" Kai looks at the petals in the area. "Do you think Harmony has control over every single one, and where do we go"

"I have no idea but we can't stay here, we have to keep moving" Lukas says. "Harmony has followers and that jester these followers are all over the place where do we go"

"I have something to say" Alex says. "What is it" Alex sighs. "Okay look Harmony's dreamscape isn't fully impenetrable, there's an opening to reality, near here it will allow one to wake from this dream but only for a little, I've tried to use it but it never let me through or get close enough"

"How do you know of this opening" Alex was nervous he was quiet. "I found it but I think it's a good time to tell you about it" they hear the sound of horses galloping. "We need to move"

Destiny uses an ice spell to create a wall to stop the followers. "Okay so where exactly is it" Alex pulls out a little book. "It's in a cave nearby, just follow me" they follow Alex.

It's still night and it's felt too long. "Why is it still night" Lukas says. Liam was looking around. "should we really keep the copy around there using it to track us, I don't think it's a good idea to keep around" Lukas looks back. "No I don't think it's a good idea but what can we do"

Liam had disappeared. "What the hell where did the copy go" Lukas looks around. "Yeah were did he go"

The copy walks through the forest. Petals falling and being blown in the wind. "Ugh your original really is annoying, he damn near blinded me luckily Harmony was able to fix them." The copy just stares. "so why are you here exactly I didn't call you"

The jester stares at the copy. "Well?" The copy shifts his hand into a blade. "hmm so you want to fight me, but why, I thought we were on the same side"

"Oh wait your making your own choice this is why you don't give an empty shell free will" the jester stars at the copy. "So you want to fight fine it'll be good practice against Lukas the next time I fight him, I'm not letting him get away with this"

The jester stands before raising his scythe to the copy. "You know, copy I've been in this dreamscape for so long I've almost forgotten what reality feels like after everything that happened in that dessert, it's been interesting to say the least" the jester being his scythe down.

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