remembering the past

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{some where in Centaris}

"Hey brother, are we out of anything I'm gonna go to the market to buy things" Mike, walks through the kitchen door. "Nothing, oh wait yes we need eggs but other than that we should be good" the girl waves goodbye as she reaches for the door knob, everything seems to stop.

The door suddenly disappears and the girl finds herself in a gray void. "Uh hello is this a kind of joke cause I don't like it" the girl steps back afraid.

"Don't be afraid, Charlie you have nothing to be afraid of I've just come to make a deal" The vessel of Remembrance appeared before her. "Uh hi um are you the one who brought me here can you take me back"

"I can take you back but you need to make a deal with me trust me it's a deal of the life time" the vessel of Remembrance floats down until he steps on the ground ripples like water flow out. As bright blue bubbles rise from the ground.

"Your Charlie correct" Remembrance says stepping forward as more bubbles rise from the ground. "Uh uess but I don't see how that's important" Charlie says stepping back.

"Ive come to make a deal, with you there's many things you don't remember that I would like to return to you" Remembrance was right infront of her as he grabs on of the bubbles he brings it up to Charlie.

"Here take this it'll reveal everything" Remembrance says holding it up to her. "Uh" Charlie slowly shuffles over before placing her hand to the bubble.

The bubble gets absorbed into her hand as she suddenly starts to ache in pain. She holds her chest as pains flows through her. She holds her head as memories start to flood back in.

Water awhile the pain has stopped, with tears in her eyes charlie looks up at the vessel. "Is- is all of that real" tears flow from her eyes her voice stuttering. "Yes you went through all of that and so did your brother, because of that tyrant, Fabian"

"Why are you showing me this" Charlie asked. "because do you really want him to get away with what he's done, the people he killed the people he hurt, the family's he destroyed, I want you to get revenge and I can help you, but you need to help me in return" Remembrance says with a smile.

Charlie looks up at remembrance who was holding his hand out to her. "Take my hand and you will have what you want, you'll be able to avenge all the people he hurt and you'll be able to help me with a certain problem, so what do you say do we have a deal" Charlie looks at his hand.

Charlie stand before taking his hand. "You have yourself a deal I'll make Fabian pay for his sins, he doesn't deserve this ending he doesn't deserve it after all the pain he put his people through" Remembrance smiles. "Very well, champion of Remembrance, you will be the one to bring that mans death"

Remembrance snaps his fingers and Charlie finds her self back in her home, right were she was before. She looks to the table near the couch and finds a spear. She walks over and licks it up.

The spear was carved with words of Remembrance it had a faint blue glow to it. She could hear remembrance's voice. "First you need to help me and we'll kill Fabian." Charlie smiles. A portal opens behind her she walks through it but before she does.

"Hey brother I'll be out for awhile don't wait up for me alright" Charlie walks through before the portal disappears behind her.

Mike pokes his head out from the kitchen. "Huh did you say something sis? Sis?"

×^•{ Scin }•^×
The light realm

"Destiny why are we at the cherry blossom tree" Jasper asked confused. "Well since the tree is right above, or in the wizard archives I have to get what I can from her since a lot of the things her were destroyed." Destiny goes through book through book.

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