The Grand jester

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Lukas gets slammed into a tree, as he stabs his blade into an arm. "Damn it I hate these things" Kai swifts by, grabbing the arm and tossing it to Destiny. She says a couple of ruins before a blast of fire appears and hits the hand. "There that was the last of them"

Kai walks over to the red petals and holds out his hand, he burns the petals. "Yeah let's hope we don't run into anymore let's keep moving, those followers aren't too far behind" they hear the stomping of feet. "loos like they're closer than expected."

Destiny turns around and casts an ice spell, a large wall of ice rises from the ground blocking the path. Followers on the other side start pecking at the ice. "Think that's our cue to leave" Kai takes snow off his shoulder. Snow sits put before turning around and running shifting into a dragon.

"I have to hand it to Jasper having a similar, is really helpful" Kai jumps on top of snow, Alex climbs on, Lukas helps Destiny on. The ice breaks and they all look back. "alright then time to get a move on" snow raises their wings. Lukas grabs Destiny's hand and she pulls him up on snow's back.

Followers stare up at the group. "they got away" a familiar person appears from the shadows. "Don't worry, we'll catch them I have some unfinished scores with them" a jester jumps down from a rock and stares up at the dragon.

"I owe it to them if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have been able to be given the power I would now, I'll thank them in person" the jester pulls out a scythe covered in red petals. "hmm the hunts only begun, many of the past enemy's you only barely knew are here to defeat you chosen, and I'll be the first to get a kick at this" the jester leaves.

"Well then I guess we followed the chosen" the followers continue moving jumping on their horses and leaving.

The jester walks into an opening, a Harmonious song echoes through. "Jester my chosen what news have you brought me" jester kneels down. "I've brought news about the chosen they seem to be going to the village filled with more of your,  dreamers" Harmony smiles. "good let them go I have no uses for there power source they've given more then enough power"

A Harmonious song plays through our, the forest, and pink petals float down, Harmony disappears. Jester stand. "Don't worry Daniel when you get dragged into this dreamscape I'll kill you, along with those kids" jester walks off.

"Snow I know you're still pretty new to turning into a dragon but do you mind trying to keep steady" snow let's out a low below. Before steadying herself. "okay should be smooth sailing from here"

Lukas looks over the edge, seeing how high they are. "Huh that's not terrifying at all" destiny nudges his shoulder. "Oh come on you've been to high places before we were on a large tower with a machine that could rip apart space and time to make rifts"

"Well yeah but that building was standing still" Destiny lays back on to snows back, she was a furry dragon that's for sure lots of fur especially around the neck. "You've ridden on Raptor many times"

"Well yeah but he usually flies low to the ground" destiny stares at Lukas blankly. "Alright what ever you say" snow continues flying.

Lukas looks back at his shadow seeing Liam hiding in it. "Why are you hiding in my shadow which is kinda weird to say since I'm a shadow" Liam just gives him a shrug. "Ugh we need to find Jasper and Kim but who knows where they are" snow suddenly takes a dive.

Kai grabs onto snow horns. Alex grabs onto some fur. Destiny slides off the back into the tail, she grabs it holding on. Lukas grabs onto a back spine holding his hand out to Destiny. "grab on" Destiny reaches out but can't seem to reach. "Kai tell snow to fly straight again."

Kai pulls himself back onto snow. "Hey snow I know you don't really understand me, but do you thing you could fly straight again" snow looks back seeing Destiny holding onto her tail. Snow moves back to flying forward swinging her tail up, throwing Destiny in the air.

The Realms: The Vesselsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें