ways to go

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Lukas was numb apparently Remembrance did not plan for Lukas's body limits. "Everything feels numb yet hurts at the same time please end me" Lukas cries out. Kai had to carry him around. "Will you stop shooting in my ear you were able to stand up perfectly fine when you were freed, so why are you complaining now" Kai shouted back.

"That was before I started feeling all of the pain" Lukas whined. "I swear to god I'm going to drop you on the floor and leave you to die" Kai continues to walk.

"Hey, Lukas how was it being controlled by Remembrance." Kai asked. "Oh it was odd, when it happened I found myself back in Scin except I was back in Kuro except everything was perfect fine no time bubble ot was odd I knew it was all fake but I don't know why I was sent there, it was a memory I think, but then everything started to collapse and get consumed by some sort of shadow nesting I now I've found myself in this dark place with a large throne in the middle and shard sitting on it that was a memory of mine, then I just woke up back in my body" Lukas explained.

"So you were just floating through memories when you were controled." Asked Kai. "Yeah pretty much" Lukas finishes.

"Huh odd" Kai thought. They luckily weren't to far from the library at this point. "Hey Kai what do you think will happen after this adventure"

"I have no idea but I just hope I'll be able to sleep for awhile cause god Harmony was annoying and now this whole time memynubble thing is confusing the hell out of me I just want to go home" Kai took a small break at this point Lukas was able to feel his legs again.

"Hey I can feel my legs again" Lukas cheered. "Thank god, your to heavy who would have thought a shadow oh wait your not in your shadow form" Kai went blank.

You could look I to his eyes and see nothing, there were no thoughts behind those eyes. They stood there for a solid 5 minutes.

"Kai?" Lukas questioned. "Kai you alright" Lukas asked. "Kai?" Lukas walks over to him.

Lukas slaps him across the back of the head. "Ow what the hell" Kai held the back of his head. "Oh good your not brain dead come one" Lukas says with a smirk. "Not funny" Kai mumbled.

They walked around for awhile Kai thought they were going in the direction of the library but they ended up in a completely different part of the kingdom. Kai was panicking as they were lost.

Lukas stares at Kai who was acting like a scared lost dog. Head farting around looking at every direction. "Really?" Lukas questioned.

Kai grabs Lukas by the shirt. "Yes we're lost may I remind you we have no idea what the lay out of this kingdom is." Kai shock Lukas.

Lukas forces Kai to let go of him. "Then let's get to a higher ground let's just go rooftop to rooftop until we find the library" Lukas started climbing the house. "Uh I don't think that's a good idea wha-" as soon as Kai said that last part, Lukas falls into a room that had an open window.

Kai couldn't see anything but he could here what was going on.

"Hey who are you want are you doing in my house get out" someone yelled. "oh I'm so sorry I accidentally fell in through the window you see I was cl-" the sound of something being thrown cuts Lukas off. "Oww okay I'm sorry" Lukas says as more things start getting thrown.

"I don't care how you got in just get out" the person tells again. Kai could now see Lukas at the window ledge. Lukas turns around and quickly gets on the window frame before a shoe gets fling and hits him causing him to lose balance and fall of the window.

Lukas falls face first into a barrel of rice. "Ow" was the only thing Lukas could get out. "Told ya not a good idea" Kai says walking over to Lukas.

"It was only one time alright I'll just climb and move away from open windows" Lukas said dusting himself off. He starts to climb again. He makes it half way to the top.

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