imagination pt.1

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Lukas gets smacked into a tree by a large monster's tail. Breaking the tree and hitting another one. The monster, decides to go after Lukas, it gets closer before it starts running right at him.

Destiny jumps in the way creating a portal, and opening another one, in front of the petal storm causing the monster to fall into the portal and fall into the petal storm being torn apart.

The monster's petals join the petal storms. Making the storm grow larger. "these monsters don't stop its attack after attack" Destiny shouts out. Another monster, jumps out from behind but Kai stabbed his blades into the monster before exploding it. "Then let's make it to the tree"

That's when the ground started to shake again. "Damn it what is it this time" Lukas yells out. A bright light, pierces the tree, and a large rift breaks open the sky. "Is that a rift?"

"Yes Destiny that is a rift" Kai reassured. They see monsters start climbing the tree, to reach the rift. "We can't let them get through" Kai says. "Then we won't let them, Destiny can you teleport us up there" Lukas asked.

Destiny looked from where they were to the tree. "I can buy it'll take two attempts so hold on" Destiny grabs Lukas as he grabs Kai and Alex. Destiny teleports then all about halfway there they were kid air and falling. "Hold on just one more time" Destiny shouts. Before another teleport making them crash into the tree, but landing on a branch.

"Come on we can't stop now" Kai says before climbing. The others follow a bit after. Kai looks up seeing the monsters get closer and closer to the rift. "We're not going to make it"

The Monsters climb and make it to the rift one was about to go through the rift when an arrow gets shit right into its head and burst into an area of wind. Causing the monster to fall and crash into the ground.

Another monster was picked up by a large dragon before being dropped off. The dragon flies down and hovers on their level. "Jasper" Destiny asked excitedly. "Hey guys sorry for our late arrival again, but hop on there's no time to lose" they get on before Raptor, flies up to catch up with Kim who was still fighting off, monsters.

"Hey guys, guess we just cut it, huh sorry about that The vessel of Remembrance has us stuck in our memories, making us relive, our happiest moments to try to keep us trapped, but we were able to escape" another monster appears behind jumping to attack Kim. She spins around and fires off an arrow into the monster, before the monster bursts into an area of air.

"Come on these things will simply reform we need to hold them off" Kim command. Jasper looks over to Raptor. "Raptor can you fight off some of the ones that are at the lowe area of the tree." Raptor understood and flew off before taking a dive down. Crashing into monsters on the way down.

Jasper, hold out his hat, before a typhoon of fire erupts from it, burning a monster that got it close. Although they were able to fend off the monsters there was one thing they couldn't.

In a couple second, large red petals flew around resting a platform, atop the cherry blossom tree. "What is this" Jasper questioned. Lukas looks up to see the jester who was falling, before landing right in-between all of them. Causing them to fly off but they were able to grab onto some tree branches.

"Damn you all just don't give up do you" the jester holds up his scythe. "But that's fine I don't either" the jester plucks four petals from his scythe. He crushed three and tossed the blood coming from them in the air. The blood shifts and forms into three other versions of himself. Then he crushed the fourth petal, not blood that dropped out but instead it was some sort of black liquid, it fell onto the ground and slithered its way up to the three blood copy's of the jester.

"So what do you say we begin" within an instant the jester was behind Lukas, swiping and attacking at any given moment. "Come on we have one last score to settle i win one you win one, the winner takes all this time" Lukas grabs onto the scythe, and takes out of the jester's hand, before tossing it off the tree. The jester is not too happy about this, rushes in for an attack.

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