imagination pt.2

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Destiny opens her eyes, to find herself in her room. "What, is this my room in the library, are we awake" she quickly runs to the other rooms to check on everyone. Lukas and Kai had already woken up but there was a problem. The injure Kim had taken from the jester carried over as she was hit, not only with blood magic, but blood magic infused with the power of a vessel.

"Kim, just breath" Jasper was doing his best to stop the bleeding. Destiny looks out the window to see everything that was happening, outside the large cherry blossom trees and the rifts.

"Damn it we have more problems" Destiny said under her breath. She sighs before heading back to the others. She pulled Kai and Lukas out. "Guys we need to do something about the tree outside."

"Like what ad right now were down a member and maybe two I think Jaspers wants to stay with Kim to make sure she's alright" Kai said. "Well then it's just us three, - Jasper you stay here with Kim we're gonna do something about the tree" Destiny says the last part, so Jasper could heat her.

"Alright stay safe you three, I'll come and help as soon as Kim gets better" Jasper heads back to Kim. Destiny pushes open the door, and a surge of energy, instantly hits the three. Causing them to fall.

Diane appears before then, also being affected by the, energy surges. "We don't have much time, Destiny come with me, I need your help, Kai and Lukas help me brother, with Harmony he won't be able to do it alone." Lukas and Kai nod as Diane takes destiny.

"Lady Diane where are we going" Destiny asked. "To the vessel of Harmony's heart." Diane takes her near the tree. "Just one last time, Destiny" Diane places her hand on the tree. Destiny follows her and places her own hand on the tree.

Both are open there eyes seeing as the once pink and purple, cherry blossom forest was no more. There were nothing but black and red petals. "Careful Destiny, Harmony's is just as much here as she is out there in reality" they walk deeper and deeper into Harmony's heart.


Lukas takes a hit from, a swinging vine that smacks right into him. Kai throws one off his knives, it stabs into the tree, then he tosses his other dagger. He chants some tunes as the daggers burst into flames. The flames grow, big and large all around, the tree. "You are a problem for my Harmonious world" Harmony shouts at Kai.
She summons multiple vines and roots and tries to catch Kai. One got close but Lukas came slicing the vine stopping it from grabbing Kai.

Kai summons his daggers as they return to his hands. Kai throws a dagger as it hits the tree. With swift speed he moves from point A to point B making it in the tree. "you think closing the rift in the dreamscape will do anything well wrong" the ground starts to crack and break, as the ground breaks open there able to see the cherry blossom forest that is now back and red.

"Lukas she's fusing her dreamscape with reality" Alexander shouted. "What do we do" Lukas shouts back. "Stop her at all costs I'll worry about the vines, just go after Harmony" a vine appears and goes after Kai.

A axe flies pay cutting the vine. Kai turns around looking at Lukas. "That wasn't me" Lukas says. Kai hears a familiar voice. "Son, hey good to see you again" Xander stands below at the bottom waving at Kai. "Hi dad, how in the world do you get here"

"Thank your mother, she filled me in on everything" Xander suddenly burst into flames as he turned into a wisp, flying up to the three. "So what do you say boys, let's begin" Kai summons his dagger. Lukas grabs his axe. "I've waited all this time, to fight Harmony, I have a couple of bones to pick with her" Kai says.

Kai rushes of, and Lukas rushes off as well, Xander looks back to Alexander.

"Huh kids am I right" Alexander nods before tearing apart a vine. Xander races off to the two. Alexander breaks off a vine slamming it into another.

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