Terroriser x Reader

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So here a kinda sad Terroriser one shot. No smut sorry.

Also Just saying, if anyone feels so upset as to think about ending thee life, please feel free to talk to me or anyone. Don't make a permanent solution to a temporary problem. 💕❤️
Word count: 1090


There was a lot about my life I hated. Like the way my mother and father told me I was worthless and beat me everyday. Or the fact that my best friend slept with my boyfriend behind my back. Even my best friend telling me how much of a piece of shit I am.

But all of that didn't compare to pain it caused me to leave Him. He ruined my life. It tore me apart to do it but I had no choice. I can't even think of his name without feeling tears well up in my eyes. But if you must know, Brian is his name.

I haven't spoken to him in almost 4 years, but it still affects me like it did back then.
In high school, Brian was considered to be one of the popular kids. Mostly because of his thick, Irish accent, but he was loved by almost everyone there. I was a quiet kid. I didn't like attention or being noticed. But somehow Brian noticed me in the hall one day.

***flashback presented by Mountain Dew***

I kept my head down as usual and walked to Algebra, my least favorite subject. I was suddenly pushed into the locker near me.

"Hey, watch it bitch!" I turned and saw a guy with light brown hair, blue eyes, and glasses had pushed me. I looked down at my shoes and nodded.

"Tyler, what are you terrorizing this poor girl for?" I heard an Irish voice ask "Tyler". I stayed looking down.

"She ran into me," he told his friend.

The mysterious Irishman turned to me, "Sorry about Tyler, he's a bit of a bitch sometimes," he gave a warm smile at me as I looked up at his amazing, deep blue eyes. I blushed and nodded at him.

"It's fine, it was totally my fault." He shook his head and ran a hand through his soft-looking dark hair, laughing a bit. He stuck his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Brian and this loser is my friend, Tyler," he spoke with such a smooth accent it gave me chills.

I shook his hand and gave a small wave at Tyler. "Y/N."

"Lovely name, but could I see your phone for a moment?" Brian had a crooked grin on his face that was too adorable to say no to. He took my phone and typed in it for a second, then headed it back to me. "Text me sometimes." And with that, he ad Tyler walked off, leaving me shocked and flustered.

***End of flashback***

I let the tears run off y face as I remembered that day. It started a long relationship between us, a relationship that was perfect. Perfect until it was ruined. How, you ask?

Well, his friend Tyler didn't like how much time he was spending with me, so he told Brian he had to choose... So I left to make it easier on him...

It's been 4 years since I've seen either of them. And here I am, sitting on the top of one of the many tall buildings here, hating my life, contemplating to just end it now.

Ever since I left Brian, my life has been hell. My parents abuse me, mentally and physically, everyday. My recent boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. Then she told me how much she actually hated me and just state friends with me to sleep with my boyfriend.

I've been sitting up here for about 3 hours and j had decided to just end it. It was too much for me to handle. I stood up and closed my eyes. My body fell at an increasing speed. I felt a slight pain and then nothing. Everything was black and I was finally at peace.

**Brian's POV**

There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about Y/N. She was the best thing that ever happened to me... And she left me because of Tyler. I haven't moved on from her. It's been 4 years, but I can't bring myself to let her go.

I've forgiven Tyler, since he was, and still is, my best friend. But now, we both have our YouTube channels and our gaming friends. Sometimes it's easier to distract myself from her with them.

I decided to get Y/N back. I called her parents asked them if they knew where she would be. Her mother told me she would go to this old building and just sit and think. I hurried and went there.

When I got there, people were crowded around something, or someone rather. There was a dead body covered by a body bag. I head a cop near by speak into his walky talky. "Y/N L/N, death of suicide from building. Time of death, 6:17pm September 18, 2015..."

My eyes widened and I fell to the ground, sobbing harder than I had ever before. I lost her. She was my world and now she's gone. Forever... And she'll never know how much I love her.

The cop put his hand on my shoulder. "Was she your girlfriend, son?" I nodded as the tears kept coming. He gave me a sympathetic smile and walked away.

I got up and went to her parents home. They had already gotten the news and were in tears also. Her mother hugged me tightly and cried into my chest. I hugged her and cried with her.

~time skip to the funeral~

There was nothing said as they lowered the casket into the ground. Nobody dared break the thick silence. Tyler came with me, completely by his choice. He felt like it was his fault, but I assured him it wasn't.

Besides me and Tyler, her parents, best friend, exboyfriend, and a few other were there, all crying and mourning, feeling as though it was all their fault.

Third Person's POV

Though everyone there felt it was their fault, no body felt as guilty as Brian. He cried for weeks, Hating himself for not fighting for her more. "If I would've told Tyler to fuck off, this wouldn't have happened... She'd still be mine... " The tears kept going. "I'll always love you, Y/N."

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