Vanoss x Reader

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You guys are honestly the best! We are so close to 1K reads and it's been DAYS!!! Thank you guys so much. I can't thank you enough for the support that you guys give me. Also the new IAMWILDCAT Story will be up soon. I'll let you guys know. Ps don't other about the contest closing soon! Love you guys!



One word: homework. It sucked. Honestly it was the worst thing on the planet, but I needed it to be done.

I decided to take a walk to take my mind off of Biology. There was a small café about 4 blocks away and I could go for some hot cocoa right now. I looked at my clock, the bright red letters reading 10:21 pm. Eh, kinda late but I've gone out later I thought to myself. I tugged on my black Vans and a light jacket(which happen to e my favorite Batman jacket) and headed out of my front door. My parents were on some business trip so I was alone. As I started walking, the realization of the temperature made me regret my decision for a light jacket. I was shivering slightly as the wind picked up for a moment, then died down again. I quickly turned a corner, in a rush to get to the cafe, when I bumped into someone. He looked like he was older than me by about 10 or so years. His dark unkept beard had dirt in it along with his hair and face. The man reeked of alcohol and drugs.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I quickly apologized, not wanting to stick around him.

"Where ya going?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me back in front of him. "You can come hang out with me, I'm a nice guy." He started to pull me to the ally way near. I resisted and tried pulled my arm from his grasp, but it was too strong. He pushed me on the ground as forced me out of my jacket. As I was about to scream for help, he pulled a knife out and held it against my neck.

"You scream, you die." He spoke sternly.

"Don't you know, when someone says no, back off." A voice spoke from behind him. I looked and say a man there dressed in all black except for a bright yellow owl in the center of his chest. He wore a owl mask as well, leaving me to wonder what lies beneath.

"Wha- who are you?" The dirty man yelled at him.

"I am Night Owl." And with that, he punched the dirty man off of me. I scooted up to the wall, still shaking form what just happened. The wind picked up again, making me shiver more. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself. I let a few tears run down my cheeks as I lay my head on my curled up legs.

I jumped as a hand was gently placed on my shoulder. I looked up and met a pair of deep, chocolate brown eyes from behind that owl mask.

"It's okay, nothing is going to hurt you as long as I'm here. C'mon lets get you home." I smiled and blushes slightly as Night Owl helped me to my feet.

"Thank you, I dont know what would've happened if you hadn't been there." He gave me a warm smile and looked down to me.

"It was nothing, I couldn't just sit around and let a beautiful girl get hurt." My eyes grew wide and my cheeks turned red at his comment. "Now c'mon," he wrapped an arm around my waist. "I'll walk you home." We started walking home, but I couldn't shake the feeling of how well we fit together. Almost like we were... Meant to be. As we approached my front door, I felt sad knowing he was going to leave and I'd never see him again. "What's wrong?" Night Owls voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Nothing, it's just... I d-don't want you to go..." I trailed off nervously. I couldn't meet his eyes.

I heard his amazing laughter ring into the empty night. "All you have to do is ask," he pulled my face up to meet his. "And I'll be there." I realized how close we were and blushed.

"Do you mean that, or are you just saying that because you have to?" I questioned in a teasing tone. He pulled his mask up so I could see his lips.

He smirked at me and leaned in closer to me. "I wouldn't say that to just anyone. You're different..." His deep voice trailed off. I smiled and leaned in closer, closing the gap. Our lips moved in sync as he pushed my back against the front door. I let out a small moan when his tongue pleaded on my bottom begging for entrance. I didn't let him in right away, wanting to tease him. The raven haired man placed one hand on my waist pulling me closer and another trailed down my back. When he got to my butt, he squeezed it making me gasp. Taking this opportunity, his tongue invaded my mouth, exploring all it could.

I pulled away needing air, our foreheads touching as we both breathes heavily.

His voice broke the silence. "What's your name?"

"Y/N," I said missing the feeling of his lips against mine. "What's yours?" I questioned.

He gave me a small chuckle and smiled. "Evan." As soon as the words left his mouth, his lips were back on mine. The kiss was much rougher this time, but still held the same passion.

I opened the door behind me not breaking the kiss. Evan and I fell onto the white carpet, both of us laughing. He stared down at me with his adorable puppy dog eyes. "No ones home, right?" I shook my head and he pulled me to my feet. He pinned me to the wall and smirked down at me. "Where's your room?"  I couldn't speak so I pointed to the door down the hall. His soft lips met mine. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried us to the room. He lay me down on the bed and pushed the pens and notebooks off my bed and onto the floor. "Homework?"

I giggled and nodded. "Not everyone can be super heros," I said laughing. He smirked at me and placed his forehead on mine.

"Yeah, well it's not so bad when you get to save cute girls," Evan winked at me. I laughed and kissed him again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and clashed our hips together. He pushed on my hips back. He broke the kiss and started kissing down my neck.

I tugged on Evan's shirt telling him to take it off. He obliged and pulled mine off as well. Soon all of our clothes were on the floor and he lined himself at my entrance. He gently kissed me again and pushed himself in. "Oh, fuck Evan..." I moaned softly. He pulled my body close to his as he thrusted into me gradually getting rougher and faster. I felt the knot of heat tightening in my stomach.

The atmosphere grew thicker as we neared our peaks. With one last moan we came together and lay down cuddling. I'm so glad he found me.

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