Terroriser x reader

3.4K 55 31

@Briahisapenguine requested this ^.^ sorry it took so long. I've been busy with my theatre showcase and such so I appreciate the patience. But omg 53k!? What how amazing!! So enjoy this

No smut

But anyway

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And as always I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 545


Journal 1:
So uh I decided to keep a journal because I'm really scared at the moment. Brian... He's been acting different... He's been more aggressive and he keeps tabs on me constantly, like who does that?! I have to go before he sees me writing.

Journal 2:
It's been almost 2 weeks since I wrote about what happened. Since then... Brian got really intense. He cornered me and questioned me about where I was and he was yelling at me and I started crying. He backed off and apologized after that but I was really scared...

Journal 3:
Another week has passed... Today was the worst. Brian.. He actually hit me.. Hard. I just i dont know what to do...

Journal 4:
I slept in the living room last night, too scared after he hit me yesterday. The weirdest thing was when I woke up, Brian was making breakfast acting like nothing happened. When I asked him what he was doing he responded with "just making my beautiful baby some breakfast!" And kisses my cheek he slapped the day before..

Journal 5
I'm living with a complete psychopath!! Brian is completely bi polar and violent one second then loving and caring the next! I've decided I had enough. I'm leaving him.

Journal 6:
I woke up this morning and waited for Brian to leave. Once he was gone I packed and made sure I had what I needed. I was almost ready to leave when he got home... I told him I was leaving and he wouldn't let me. He said I was his and I couldn't leave because nobody else would want me... I locked myself in the bathroom and cried until I fell asleep...

Journal 7:
I've been living in hell for the last 2 weeks.

Journal 8:
I decided to reach out to a trusted friend, Evan. I told him everything and he said it would be okay. He was gonna fix everything. I dont know what that means but I hope he's right...

Journal 9:
He told him. How could he?! He's ruined my life. Brian won't let me out of his sight now! I'm not allowed to leave the house!

Journal 10:
I've been demoted to the basement. He locked me down here. Said it would teach me a lesson. I tried to leave the house and now I'm here. In a cold wet basement. I haven't eaten in 4 days and I have an old pillow that has lost its stuffing. I feel like I'm dying.

Journal 11:
Brian visited today. He said I could come out now. I couldn't move. He had to carry me up the stairs

Journal 12:
It's been a week. I've eaten properly and I feel a bit better. I still feel trapped.

Journal 13:
Please send help. If you are reading this it might not be too late. Brian got mad and he has a gun. Please contact the police.

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