Vanoss X Reader X Lui

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I'm so sorry it took me so long >.< I'm gonna blame Yuri on Ice go consuming my soul
But anyway Hello and welcome! I dont know what else to say XD how are you guys?
This is for @tatashi564 thanks for requesting! Requests will be open soon!

But anyway

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And as always

I hope you enjoy! 

Word count: 1074


I sat in the back seat of the car, my mother and father both talking quietly in the front seat. The drab and boring atmosphere in the car nearly bored me to death. I sighed deeply and decided to put my earbuds in, since the car ride would be a few more hours. I was anxious, but also kind of excited to get to our new house. I sighed as the soft music flowed through my white earbuds and calmed my jittery body. I leaned my head against the car window, as I slowly began to drift into a light sleep.


I woke up as I heard two car doors slam and my parents laughing and talking excitedly. I rubbed my eyes and sat up properly, stretching my aching back as I did.

I grabbed my small bag of carry-on stuff and made my way out of the car. I looked up at the two story house in awe. It looked nicer than I was expecting.

I brought all of my stuff I'm my self proclaimed bedroom and then flopped on my bed face first. I let out a large sigh of relief and relaxed for a moment.

"Y/N! Come downstairs and meet our neighbors, hunny!" My mother's voice called from downstairs.

I groaned to myself, but pulled myself up. I made my way down the stairs, and met my mother outside.

My mom was talking with another women. She looked close to my moms age, and she was clearly Latino, dark hair and tan skin. She was very pretty.

My mom noticed me and pulled me closer. "Y/N, this is Carrie Sanchez. She lives next door!" I nodded and shook her hand. She seemed nice enough.

I was going to go back in the house, but then Ms. Sanchez started to talk. "Actually, Y/N, I have a son your age. He goes to the same high school, so maybe you could be friends!" She gave me a warm smile.

I smiled back and nodded. "Great! His name is Lui!" I took note of that as a walked back in the house.

Lui huh? What an odd name...

~time skip brought to you by DA PUNCAKE MUN~

The next day, I walked up the large staircase in front of the school. I looked at the school, the energetic and annoying students passed me by and went into the building. I let out a deep sigh and began to walk to the door. A boy with tan skin and beautiful dark eyes held the door open for me.

"There you go," he smiled a cute, cheeky smile to me. I smiled back and walked through the door, giving him a quiet thank you. He followed me with a bounce in his step. "I'm Lui! What about you?"

I looked up at him. "Uh.. Y/N," I told him. 'Lui... this must be my neighbor.' I thought to myself. "I have to go to the office so see you around." I smiled and waved a bit as I started walking towards the first hall.

"The office is the other way," I heard his childish laughter. "Come on! I'll show you!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards another hall. I sighed and let him pull me.

He stopped walking in front of, what looked like, a small janitors closet. "Here we are!"

"Uhm Lui this is a closet..?" I said uncertainly.

He nodded. "Yep. Come on! It'll be fun, I promise!" He gave me puppy dog eyes. I sighed as he opened the door and we both went in quickly.

I leaned against the back wall and sighed. "So what n-" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips. Lui used one hand and cupped my face while the other went around my waist, holding me close to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. God, his lips are so soft.. I thought to myself.

Lui pulled away but kept his body close to mine. "Y/N..." His voice was deeper and raspier than before. His soft brown eyes were clouded by lust as he leaned down to kiss me again.

This time, he kissed my harder. Our lips moved quicker. Hands roamed, small moans were let out, we both couldn't get enough of each other.

My hands moved to the bottom of Lui's shirt and I pulled it up over his head slowly. He threw it on the floor, briefly stopping our kiss.

Lui's hands made their way to my hips. They snuck their way under my shirt and lifted it off of me.

Lui continued to kiss me passionately, his tongue invaded my mouth exploring every inch. I sneakily bit his bottom lip. He groaned and retreated from the kiss.

"Sneaky, are we?" He smirked.

I giggled and ran my hands through his hair. We were leaning in to kiss again and suddenly his phone rang.

He sighed and gave me an apologetic look as he answered it. "Hello.... yeah I'm kinda busy at the moment... No! Maybe.. Shut up! So what? The closet is classy!... No you can't come! Ughhh!"

Lui put his phone in his pocket and sighed. "Look I'm sorry but my friend Evan is coming to "join in." He's an idiot."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm guessing you use the closet often?" He nodded and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. I giggled at him and kissed his lips softly.

"So, you're okay with Evan coming?" I nodded. Why not? Two hot guys? Hell yes!

There was a knock at the door followed by a "Lui it's Evan!" in a hushed whisper.

Lui opened the door, revealing a tall, muscular, and tan guy with dark hair. "Oh, hey you were right, she is hot." He winked at me, Lui and I were both still shirtless. I blushed and giggled at him.
This is going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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