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So here's the answers to the Q N A!! You guys are awesome!

Weirdest dream?
Actually this was last night...
So I was kinda having nightmares and stuff and I was having a social anxiety nightmare and then I walk into a room and my English teacher is sitting on a sofa with a seagull up to her ear as a phone. Like she has the thing by the legs and is holding it up to her head then I walk in and she's like "hold on seagull" like wtf then it goes back to nightmares... My brain is weird.

Brian or Evan?
Sigh so on one hand we have well built cute Canadian who's adorable and then we have super sexy Irish raging Brian like dayyyymm!!! Omg okay I'd marry Evan but if fuck the shit out of Brian... Multiple times...

Sexual orientation?
I'm bi and super flyyyyy Ayye xD bisexuals where you at homies!!?!

Favorite person in Vanoss' crew? Sigh again with these hard decisions!! It's like moo is super sweet and awkward like me and mini has actually noticed me (TWICE!!) like ones senpai must but again terroriser sexy raging Irish yes and wildcat is just great because he's hilarious so I'm gonna go with Tyler at the moment xD if that makes sense

Favorite color?

Can we be best friends? As long as you got tacos sure can! XD

How old are you?
I am 17 :3 dancing queen? More like dancing boss ass bitch am I right

(I'm fucking 22 now holy crap)

Do you watch anime?
Yes! My favorites are Death Note, Soul Eater, and Ouran High School Host Club!!!!

Where are you from?
Louisiana, USA :3

From a scale of 0 to John Cena, how hot is Evan? Sigh like perfect man

From the same person who wrote ^ the last question Am I fucking stupid?
Sigh no because I love you

Alright guys that'll do for the first ever Ask Griff
:3 love you guys! I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Buh buy!

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