Chapter 20

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Thomas and I go out to lunch, then decide to shop a little. We come upon a thrift store, and go in.

"This probably isn't the most ideal place to get one," I start, "But I want to get Rachel a thank you gift. For letting us live in her and Mike's house."

Thomas nods, crossing his arms. "That sounds sweet. What are you gonna get her?"

I scratch my head, thinking of something Rachel doesn't own already. "Hmm... to be honest, I have no clue."

"Well, maybe we can get her a flower basket or something," Thomas suggests.

I shoot him a glare. He raises an eyebrow to my unexpected response.

"Something else. Something with more meaning and effort."

"Right, sorry. Stupid me," Thomas says and shrugs.

I playfully punch him on the arm. "You know what I mean."

Our faces inch closer, and he stares into my eyes. He smiles, and then we quickly kiss each other softly on the lips. "I know what you mean," he replies after we're done kissing.

"Good," I say, turning back to face the rest of the store. Then a brilliant idea pops into my head.

I face Thomas again. "I have an idea. But we're not going to find it at a thrift store," I whisper, then drag him off behind me.

We run out of the store, and into the bustling city. Thomas laughs behind me, tugging at my grip. "Come on, let me go," he laughs.

I ignore him and continue running through a crowd of people, murmurs of conversation and the honking of horns about. Just then, I see my destination. I run faster, Thomas still in my grip.

"Hold on, we're almost-" I start, but stop as I trip over someone and am sent tumbling to the ground. My hand flies free from Thomas's, and my head smacks down hard on the cold cement., sending an explosion of pain throughout my body. My vision fades in and out, and the world seems to sway, but I manage to hold on to reality.

"Are you okay?" I hear a voice ask, but it isn't Thomas's.

My vision comes into focus, and I can see the world as it once was. Then, as relief fills my body, a face comes into view, and it's a shockingly handsome guy with piercing blue eyes that looks to be around Thomas's age. He has dark colored hair, and a bit of stubble on his face. I feel my face start to heat up.

"Here, let me help you up," he says, holding out a hand.

I take it, and once I'm on my feet, I thank him.

"I'm Ky," he says.

"I'm Brooke," I reply, placing a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks, his eyes focused on my temple.

I instinctively place a finger on the wound, and blood comes off. I wipe it off on my jeans. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Just then, I see Thomas come over. "Are you alright, love?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassure him, feeling awkward under the gaze of Ky.

"It looks like it needs stitches," Ky says.

Thomas turns his head towards Ky, who is still standing there.

"Who are you?" Thomas asks.

"I'm the guy Brooke tripped over," Ky says simply.

"How do you know her name?" Thomas asks, his voice growing suspicious.

"Thomas," I intervene, looking at him. "It's okay. I told him."

Always (Sequel to 'Maybe', a Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now